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Man this movie is somthinggggg else. I remember it selling pretty well and a lot of people watched it but damn there are some parts in that movie that are just kinda wack. The main problem I have with the movie is I'm pretty sure during a meeting they just wrote on a white board "Monster movie but monster = Tornado?!?!?". They really just try to ham up the twisters as the "evil monster" and trying to get revenge against vs a non-living thing seem pretty dumb?

The main guy, bill Paxton, is also a super push over. With in like 20 min he pretty much leaves his fiancé for his x, gives his x his truck, and over all kinda says fuck his new weatherman job. Like word dog?

Also, the end of that movie is kinda, messed up. So the end of that movie is the crew getting there tornado tracker thing working and the main guy is now officially getting back with this ex-wife. But this is all in the backdrop of this couples house that got destroyed. Farm, sheds, barn all destroyed. But the crew is running around crying in joy and are like "OMG WE GOT THE DATA WOOOOOO".

But on the plus side. Phillip Seymour Hoffman plays as this stoner computer nerd who blasts a rainbow song. So that was pretty tight.

2 destroyed houses out of 5

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Honestly, in many ways it's better to wait after a game comes out to play it.

  • Patches fix problems that weren't solved in development. #BrokeAssGames
  • DLC might be out that could add a lot to the core game experience.
  • Will probably be on sale.

Most of my gaming nowadays is with "older" games. In fact, I just started up city skylines last week. Thanks to the years of steam sales and humble bundle, I have a collection of games to play. It would be impossible to keep up to date with all of them, hell even half of them if we are being honest. Plus with steam reviews and GB content, I feel like I have a filter list of games that are worth checking out/ games I would be into.

Does it suck not to be in the "conversation"? I mean ya it can, but it's honestly not a massive deal for most games. If you know you would be really bummed out to not be in the conversation then ya go out of your way and play that game on launch day. I did that for Hades this year. But for most games, you will find out that this is not the case. For example, am I really upset about not having conversations with people about city skylines? pfffff nope!

If you feel like you need to have that fun feeling of playing a game for the first time with a bunch of people. Join or start a "gaming club". It is kinda like a book club, but you have a game to play. This way you could have a group of 5-10 people playing an older game for the first time and giving that feeling of launch week conversations. I'm sure you could find a few dudes who would be happy to join in this idea.

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Hi everyone!

I am about to start my journey though the world of Neverwinter and was wondering if there is an active Giantbomb guild on pc? I saw the post about an official guild but the last post was about 2 years ago and it seems as though some of the higher members have left.

Any advice / help on getting me in the right direction would be great! thanks duder