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Managing your time - gaming and everything else

Well i thought i'd bring up this topic as i'm sure many of us out there have trouble with it  occasionally or all the time like me. 
I'm currently doing my AS levels in England, which is 2-3 years away from University to give you an idea of importance, and i'm in the heavy revision stage. But i constantly find myself losing interrest or getting distracted or just not managing my time well. Even now i'm typing this blog when i could be doing work or something more constructive. It seems that even in this highly important time of my education i can quite happily switch on the xbox and game the day away. Or write a blog complaining about my procrastination.
I don't hate school or learning and i can go out to the gym and stay fit. But getting myself to sit down and just start the work can  feel like running a marathon with your shoes tied together, its never going to start let alone finish.

I'm hoping it's not just me that suffers from this fairly destructive pattern of living where my days just sorta fizzle out into a COD marathon or a Just Cause 2 mess about. Do any of you have this problem or have found a good solution to it?
Give your 2 cents or what have you, while i go waste more of my time on youtube!