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SugaSeanzy's comments

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@sakr: It might be a bit light on content to be a stand alone. I haven't finished it yet but apparently it is about 5 hours long which is actually a positive for me because I don't want to be in this gameplay loop for much longer than 5 hours. But if it was stand alone I would likely recommend this over the main game since it has all the good things about SoW, adds new things, and gets rid of some shitty things (The dominate mechanic, less emphasis on the repetitive Fortress battles, Lootcrate store is disabled during the DLC)

There is such a more fun, humorous, and energetic tone to this DLC. It's probably the closest this game series has gotten to the tone of the books. There is a lightheartedness that I felt was missing from the main game.

And Talion shows up and is actually interesting for once. I almost feel bad for calling him a potato.

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@supermanbill388 : I feel honored that you joined the site just to say that. Beautiful.