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So I started reading this book for school...

I go to a Catholic high school, but I'm not Catholic. My mom is a prominent Catholic and because my school is an academically good school, I went there. I'm an atheist by the way. Anywayyyyy, this summer I was assigned to read What's So Great About Christianity? by Dinesh D'Souza. I would say I'm a very open minded person and I've thought long and hard about Christianity, which is why I've been an atheist for about 5 years. I'm sure this book won't change my stance on the subject, however as I began to read it I really sympathized with the author when he spoke about being unbiased and providing a fair explanation of Christianity by using real world logic. The book welcomes atheists in its prologue so I thought to myself I would give it a fair shot just as he said he would. 
All was well until I read his list of what he will be demonstrating in the book:

  1. Christianity is the main foundation of Western civilization, the root of our most cherished values.
  2. The latest discoveries of modern science support the Christian claim that there is a divine being who created the universe.
  3. Darwin's theory of evolution, far from undermining the evidence for supernatural design, actually strengthens it.
  4. There is nothing in science that makes miracles impossible.
  5. It is reasonable to have faith.
  6. Atheism, not religion, is responsible for the mass murders of history.
  7. Atheism is motivated not by reason but by a kind of moral escapism.
Now..can you read those and NOT say WTF?!
I cannot wait to read the supporting content to these claims. My absolute favorites have to be numbers 6 and 7. I'm going to assume that he tries to justify the Inquisition while blaming communism on atheism alone. OH and moral escapism... because everyone knows that as an atheist I have absolutely no problem with bashing in a babies skull. I don't even support the death penalty for god's sake (<--hehe).
I know GiantBombers hate religious debate on the site, but I think I've provided enough material here for a CIVILIZED discussion. Mainly, do you think this book has already gone off the deep end with its ridiculous claims?