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#1  Edited By supperman

That's the thing about GW... because it's not subscription based, there's no incentive for the developers to want to keep people playing and clogging up the servers. Want new content? You need to pay to buy the expansion.

I heard that GW2 would have a consistent world, and *gasp* no subscription again. I hope it doesn't end up as terrible as all the other 'free' MMOs out there.

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#2  Edited By supperman

I started GW as my first MMORPG before getting onto WoW. Having played both games, I must say that they both have their strengths and weaknesses. I like that GW is more about strategy in gameplay rather than gear, since even the epic gear one can get from endless grinding, really isn't any better than the endgame gear that any other player can get. With a limited number of skills one can bring into a fight, the real test is which skills one should choose and how best to make use of these skills in complement with your party. However, WoW, being subscription based, really rewards players who diligently spend time grinding/ raiding to get better and better gear. It can be pretty satisfying once you finally get the gear and seeing how much more powerful you become, so you feel that the grinding/ raiding is all 'worth it'.

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#3  Edited By supperman

I quit years ago after I hit 60, and I never played Burning Crusades. But with WotLK coming out soon, I didn't really want to be too far behind, so I started up my character again a couple of weeks ago (am 66 now). I'm just amazed about how WoW has changed since BC, and I'm looking forward to trying out WotLK.

PS. My First Post!