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I legitimately thought I was going to puke when I heard the news. I can only echo what others have said better, which is that these guys were a nearly daily part of my life for almost a decade. Aside from my wife, I honestly don't know if I've spent more time listening to another person than I've spent listening to Jeff, Vinny, Brad, and Alex. That's a testament both to their dedication to GB and the sheer amount of content they provided year in and year out. You guys have earned a break, and then some. And I desperately hope that Jeff somehow keeps GB alive, in whatever form it takes. This has left a hole in me that no "content creator" ever has, but I am still here for whatever Jeff does next (as well as the other guys, whenever that is).

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I don't trust people who answer the phone by saying "talk to me" because that's how the one armed man in The Fugitive answers the phone.

It's also how Uncle Jessie from Full House answered the phone though, so maybe that tips the scale back toward trustworthy?

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@dannyglover: Did you miss the second round of riots that were caused by a man committing suicide, after committing a murder, and social media trolls then lying and saying the cops shot him and telling people to take to the streets? Apparently so. And I wouldnt blame you, because it was barely reported.

And thats the point. Violent extremism leads to more violent extremism. The supposed righteousness of the cause is irrelevant, because it takes a few hours for the cause to disappear and for rage to take over.

But continue to defend violence if it fits your ideology, if that makes you happy. I'll continue to condemn all violence.

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Edited By swazzyswess

The capitol riot was fucking disgusting and shameful, and it should go down in history as a dark moment for American history that we shouldn't let happen again. Trump egging on the crowd was particularly horrific. In terms of actual damage to the capitol, the riot was minor, but what it represents is disturbing. GB is well within their rights to vent about it, and it was refreshing to hear.

That said, I also felt that the 500+ riots in 2020, and the 30+ people killed at them (mostly black men), and over 200 minority-owned restaurants that were burned down for no reason was also shameful. GB remained curiously silent about that (except for Abby going on Twitter and saying the NYPD are pigs and should be abolished).

And I know I'll get called out for whataboutism, but I'm not trying to score political points or defend what happened yesterday in anyway. I'm saying that a lot of unprecedented political violence has happened in America in the last year.

I was personally affected and upset by what happened in my city (Minneapolis) as we suffered absolutely massive damage on MULTIPLE nights,, and GB (and a lot of other media outlets) never said anything about it. Or when other media outlets did, they made sure to include that, hey, it was mostly peaceful. Just ignore the fires and people whose lives were ruined. There are recent articles talking about how many businesses can't get insured and/or just won't rebuild, or are moving elsewhere. It made 2020 even more fucking depressing, and it's not a right-wing concoction: it's what I and many others lived through.

I understand that the capitol riot was far more surreal and unprecedented, but extremism needs to be called out, all the time, no matter who is perpetuating it. A lot of people failed at that in 2020. And unfortunately, I think we're all going to have plenty of chances to get it right in 2021.

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My wife made me turn this off when they were complaining about console generations.

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Edited By swazzyswess

I enjoy a lot of the Yakuza series but goddamn if it isn't one of the most formulaic game series. Even the sappy side story resolution music is the same as previous games.

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Unbelievable to see people complaing about the combat when they are constantly releasing Yakuza games with normal beat em up combat. Gamers folks.

Yeah, just *unbelievable* that people think this bog standard turn-based fighting seems bland.

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god, I love Splelunky so much. and I love watching Rorie play it

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Edited By swazzyswess

@casse1berry said:

For the bear vs gorilla discussion, I'm kind of leaning bear. Don't underestimate those claws. It's almost like the knife vs bat discussion. The bears got knives and the gorilla has bats for arms. They can both bite hard. I think the bear could knock some wind out of the gorilla's sail if it gets some rip and tears in early on.

Oh yeah, it's bear and it's not even close. An adult male gorilla can maybe get up to 6 feet and 400 pounds, but a male male grizzly bear can be over 9 feet and 800+ pounds. not to mention insane claws and teeth. there's absolutely no way a gorilla wins that fight.

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IMO it just doesn’t fit the game or the experience, but clearly I’m not an expert in the game.

Building is literally Fortnite's distinguishing factor and has been since day 1.

As for these streams... I'm glad that people are somehow entertained with entry-level Fortnite streams, but I don't get it.