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i'm calling it v2.0 in progress!

So I finally decided to start working on i'm calling it again. I'm doing a full rewrite from the ground-up, making everything more robust and laying the groundwork for tons of new features. Also, I'm writing the whole thing with Ruby on Rails instead of PHP and Smarty. 
Anyways, the biggest new development is kind of hard to explain, but I'll try: 
"Users" and "Accounts" are two different things. When you sign up, you register a new User just like you would on any regular website (without the crazy confirmation process that i'm calling it alpha/beta had). Once you have your User registered and you're logged into it, though, you can't do really anything until you connect an Account. Connecting an Account works pretty much like the old crazy confirmation process did, but hopefully it'll work better this time. 
I did this because each Account is tied to a certain website. For now, it only supports Giant Bomb (and you can only have one Account for each website on your User account), but I'm hoping that someday the Whiskey engineers are going to give Screened an API, and maybe one day they'll have another awesome wiki with an API that I can tie in also. 
I haven't quite worked out exactly how it's going to work, but I'm pretty sure that, as of now, all imported XP and subsequently-earned points will be tied to your Account, and not to your User (well, they'll be tied to your User by extension). That way, you have to "make it big" on each site independently. 
The other big feature change-thing that I have planned out but haven't begun work on is: splitting betting into two separate categories: "Release betting" and "Event betting." Release betting is the same old betting you're used to, but Event betting will be bets created for whatever I feel like, such as: 

  • Game of the Year stuff
  • A new Dueling Endurance Run pops up and we want to bet on who will win first
  • How long until Jeff mentions Star Trek: Online again on the Bombcast
And so forth. 
Oh, and one more quick detail: you're no longer required to choose a bet for each reviewer. You can just say "I bet 1000 points that Duke Nukem Forever will get 4 stars," etc.