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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers statistics for Gran Turismo 5 (and more!)

Inspired by ethan's "data porn" blog posts and fueled by me being in bed all day with a cold and possibly an ear infection, I bring you the results for the bets placed on Gran Turismo 5. (I promise I'll only do stuff like this for major releases going forward, so as not to spam the forums.)


 At least nobody's betting 1s and 2s anymore...
 At least nobody's betting 1s and 2s anymore...

I wanted to show bet amounts and when the bets were placed; having them on the same graph doesn't tell a whole lot
I wanted to show bet amounts and when the bets were placed; having them on the same graph doesn't tell a whole lot
Well, better luck next time, folks! :P 
UPDATE: Here's the graphs for Bl'Ops, also: 

 I was actually surprised by the number of people who got this right. I knew it was going to be four stars all along, but I was surprised that the majority of user thought so too :3
 I was actually surprised by the number of people who got this right. I knew it was going to be four stars all along, but I was surprised that the majority of user thought so too :3

 People putting a lot of fives on Jeff for Bl'Ops confuses me somewhat; I thought he'd be least likely to give it a 5. Also, although there's no one-star bets, there's a couple of zeroes because early on in the site, setting a predicted score for any given review was optional.
 People putting a lot of fives on Jeff for Bl'Ops confuses me somewhat; I thought he'd be least likely to give it a 5. Also, although there's no one-star bets, there's a couple of zeroes because early on in the site, setting a predicted score for any given review was optional.

 When I do these next time they'll look a lot better, as I'll be using timestamps instead of rounding it to the nearest day.
 When I do these next time they'll look a lot better, as I'll be using timestamps instead of rounding it to the nearest day.
If there's any other particular games that anyone wants me to pull stats from, I'd be happy to :) 
EDIT AGAIN: Scroll down for NBA Jam, and turn the page for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.