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So my old WoW account has been hacked...

I just woke up from a dream wherein I renewed my WoW account for a month to check out all the new stuff (something I've been thinking about doing for awhile now). It was a crazy dream, because, in it, I accidentally went to a phishing site and, realizing my mistake, then went to the actual website. 
So I decided I'd at least go and look at the WoW account page, and see if I got any discount for getting back in the game or anything, when, lo and behold, it says that I'm banned and my account has been permanently disabled. 
I never cheated or did anything wrong at all, so I was confused at first, and sent an e-mail to customer support asking what the fuck was up. But just now, after thinking about the situation a little bit, I remembered that, in the past few months, when trying to log into Starcraft II, it would tell me to go and reset my password all the time. So... maybe someone stole my account, or something? I always assumed that someone was trying to get my Starcraft II profile, but maybe they were doing evil things with my WoW account, too? 
Or maybe this is just a sign from God that I shouldn't be trying WoW.