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Actively Played Games in 2016

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  • Playing the PS4 version. I was going into this game just as hyped as anyone. After seeing initial reviews, I grounded my excitement and picked up the game anyways, knowing full well what to expect now. I had not been experiencing any of the crashing issues that seemed to plague a loud segment of the internet - maybe I just got lucky? The game seems fine and is oddly relaxing. Sure, the inventory limitations are there, but by finding suit upgrades it's becoming much less of an issue and my "hoarding tendencies" have been pushed aside, given those limitations and I'm OK with it! I'm taking my time to explore, shoot some rocks and look at a few cool creatures before moving on to the next planet, slowly but surely inching towards the center of the galaxy. Will I ever get there? I don't really care, is the true answer and am enjoying the game for what it is, not what it was hyped up to be.

    Multiplayer? Never cared either way.

    I like just exploring a little bit at a time. As updates roll out, I'll be interested to see how Hello Games expands upon their game, but for now, I'm taking in the scenery for what it is and what we have been served. If you think it's a plate of lies, well, maybe that's all you're searching for in the universe, and no one can tell you otherwise. I'll be over here, enjoying my colorful cake.

  • Grind out that platinum eventually, maybe?

    [EDIT1] Upcoming DLC means I'll be back into this soon. Currently a bit burned out.

  • Played through the PS4 Remastered version in a few days and started in on the DLC, Left Behind. This is a fantastic game that I think I will play through again on 'Survivor' difficulty. Not sure I want to put myself through 'Grounded'. I did start the Left Behind DLC in survivor and it seems fair enough so far.

  • Playing the PS4 version. Who would have thought this game would have EVER worked in the current age of FPS'? Well it does, and I like it a TON better than most shooters that have been released in the past decade. Fantastic frantic pacing, level design & weapon "feel". No doubt this will be on my GotY list.

  • Finish up those side-ops and remixed main missions. MGO is kind of OK, if only because of plush husky snare. Still not buying "MB Coins" for that 2nd FOB.

    [EDIT1] Hey I saved up enough MB Coins through daily log-in and bonuses for a 2nd FOB... Why do I feel compelled to do well in the PF Ranks? I wasn't even bothering with that stuff before!

    [EDIT 3/6/16] Yep still getting daily login bonuses and checking my PF Grade. 80% completion.

  • Having been into Hearthstone since the beta, the release of "Whispers of the Old Gods" expansion is like a breath of fresh air for this game. Lots of fun game-changing cards and Shaman (A favorite/main) is now actually viable! Been running a fun Evolve/C'Thun deck which has had good success so far.

  • Playing the DS version here and there. Still a favorite, even if it's the thousandth time I've romped these lands.

  • Only own the iOS version, which controls like hot garbage, or I'm just terrible. Will pick up on the PC at some point.

  • Fun, Saturday morning cartoon exterior. Tough as nails interior. Attempting to finish Chapter 1; god damn.

  • Enjoying this quite a bit on the Vita as my new "Play for a few minutes at lunch break" game. Charming, and tough as balls. Still on Zone 1 as of this writing.

    [EDIT 3/6/16] Yay, onto Zone 2

  • Given all the XCOM 2 talk in January & February, I found this has been sitting on my PS3 for a while as a PS Plus freebie some time ago. Finally checked it out and, hot damn, why have I not played this until now? I think, honestly, I was a bit intimidated. Perma-death was part of the reason; time constraints and other stuff out at the time was another. Will definitely dedicate some time to this in 2016, seeing as I won't be getting a new PC anytime soon for XCOM 2.

  • Yes. The cat collector. Yes. I've spent way too much time on this thing as should be allowable by law. Stop eating all the good food, Tubbs, for fucks sake...

    You're still cute, but fuck you. Jerk.

  • New to PS Plus but has been around on PC; a good platforming/action game with a style only true Bros will love. Testosterone aplenty.