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All of our Next-Gen Predictions are Probably Wrong

With new consoles announced and on the horizon, journalists have rushed to interpret and explain how the next few years of video game consoles are going to pan out. If we believe Wikipedia the last generation started way back in 2005; an entire 8 years ago. If you can remember back then, journalists still made predictions. The Xbox 360 was going to do fine with the support of the hardcore base, the Wii would do amazingly because both casual and hardcore players would want new and innovative games with motion controls that they could not get anywhere else, and the PS3 was DOA with no games to play and too high of a price tag.

Oh and PC games were already dead and were not coming back.

And look how wrong all that was.

So now here we are again trying to make the same kind of calls. Xbox One will struggle because of a price tag but hook the causal market with motion controls, PS4 will keep the hardcore base, and the WiiU will fail forcing Nintendo to become a third party developer.

Maybe this is an exaggeration of what is being put out there, but the point is people are making statements like fortune-tellers. We don’t know any of this yet and we wont know until it happens. Until it actually happens, all the speculation in the world means nothing. All we know now is it has been a long time since new video game consoles have been made. And video games are fun, right?

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