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Easily the best chapter so far.

So I just finished Chapter 4 of Tales of Monkey Island, and I must say, it was the best one so far... in terms of story.  

The puzzles were pretty easy, and none of them really caused me any trouble. I breezed through this one, and as a result it felt shorter that the previous chapters. However, the best part of this chapter was its narrative. Right at the start you are presented with one of the greatest (at least in my opinion) characters from the Monkey island series, Stan. Telltale did a great job with this character, his flailing arms and fantastic jacket will always make you chuckle every time he has dialogue. Besides this, The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood is filled with references from past Monkey Island games, and as opposed to past chapters, most (if not all) of them will make you laugh. Also, what really surprised me about this chapter is how they crammed so many great plot points into such a short game. They are many twists and turns that occur throughout this short ride, and if you've played through the past chapters, will bring forth emotions ranging from glee to shock. In this chapter, I actually cared about the characters, which is something that the past chapters didn't really try to create in the player. As a result of this great narrative, the cliffhanger at the end had me especially on the edge of my seat wanting for more. This chapter gives you enough to have a great experience while leaving you with some questions about events that haven't quite been explained. Up to now I've been playing through the chapters having a few laughs along the way, but leaving with an experience that wasn't too memorable. This chapter was easily the funniest so far with great references to past games in the series, and surprisingly good story. There's only one more chapter left, and I am eager to see the fates of Guybrush and co.



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Edited By tearhead

So I just finished Chapter 4 of Tales of Monkey Island, and I must say, it was the best one so far... in terms of story.  

The puzzles were pretty easy, and none of them really caused me any trouble. I breezed through this one, and as a result it felt shorter that the previous chapters. However, the best part of this chapter was its narrative. Right at the start you are presented with one of the greatest (at least in my opinion) characters from the Monkey island series, Stan. Telltale did a great job with this character, his flailing arms and fantastic jacket will always make you chuckle every time he has dialogue. Besides this, The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood is filled with references from past Monkey Island games, and as opposed to past chapters, most (if not all) of them will make you laugh. Also, what really surprised me about this chapter is how they crammed so many great plot points into such a short game. They are many twists and turns that occur throughout this short ride, and if you've played through the past chapters, will bring forth emotions ranging from glee to shock. In this chapter, I actually cared about the characters, which is something that the past chapters didn't really try to create in the player. As a result of this great narrative, the cliffhanger at the end had me especially on the edge of my seat wanting for more. This chapter gives you enough to have a great experience while leaving you with some questions about events that haven't quite been explained. Up to now I've been playing through the chapters having a few laughs along the way, but leaving with an experience that wasn't too memorable. This chapter was easily the funniest so far with great references to past games in the series, and surprisingly good story. There's only one more chapter left, and I am eager to see the fates of Guybrush and co.

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Edited By zitosilva

Yeah, I completely agree, the story was good, but the game itself... I don't know. I'm not really pleased with what Telltale has been doing difficulty wise. It's all too easy, there's no satisfaction in solving the puzzles, because they are just too damn obvious.
I know some people find it frustrating when they're stuck in a point and click, but I believe this is what makes them fun. It's so cool when you're completely stuck for days and finally solve something. I've been getting this from A Vampyre Story and The Logest Jouney. I'm currently playing both of them, and am stuck. Sometimes I turn them on and am able to go forward a little, but sometimes I go nowhere. But when I do, it's great. Sadly, I haven't felt that a single time from Tales, as it feels there's no real challenge.