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Dear Lara

Dear Lara,

I can't remember a time when I wasn't in love with you. Your athletic, smart, sexy...a little dangerous. We've had some good times. Jumping off cliffs, shooting random tigers, finding ancient artifacts not seen my human eyes for centuries. Panning the camera to check out your butt and blocky circus boobs.

Buy your also aimless, you don't seem to know really where your going most of the time. You really don't help, you just kind of jump against the same wall over and over again, hoping for a different outcome. You get trapped in caves, and somehow just stumble on the way to get out, or the exit,after a couple hours or pushing up against said wall. And by that time I want to throw you through a wall and never see you EVER again.

I just can't take the frusteration anymore. Your the girlfriend I just can't seem to get rid of, as much as I throw down the controller in discust, I always seem to pick you back up weeks, months later. After Underworld. I think we're done for good. You'll always have a place in my heart, and a few broken controllers named after you. Thanks for the trophys and the good times over the years. You've been with me most of my life, but I have to move on. I saw your new trailer, and I want you back even before I've let you go. but there is an invisible wall between us, and I must stop banging my head against it.