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Teru's Mutually Assured Destruction (TMAD) #5

Unplug from the Matrix because the Killers are Dead... The Cyber-Psycho Squad is Here!

Wakey-wakey, sheeple. The world has ended and the tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists are right. The corporations who shovel these mind-numbing visual tranquilizers in our faces have successfully taken over and you have FAILED!!!

Why have we failed, you ask? It's quite simple, really. The knowledge was out there, the facts have been presented to you, but you willfully chose to live in blissful ignorance. You willfully chose to get sucked into the hype just MOMENTS after declaring that you would no longer buy into the lies and maltreatment from these companies. Not only have you willfully chosen to put up your walls, but you've also put up sniper towers and have raped the enlightened with Dragon's Breath shells and 50-caliber bullets (not literally, mind you, but you might as well have!)...

Countless times, I've been called a "hater", a "poser", a "liar", "I need to be reprogrammed", I'm "malfunctioning", I'm "obsolete", every single self-projection in the book because their hubris absolutely CANNOT allow them to be wrong! Well WAKE THE F&$@ UP!!! You're wrong! You've been lied to! You've been cheated out of your rights and out of your money, feeding the engines of corruption and ensuring their survival and continued dominance! The system has failed, and it's all your fault. That's all there is to it.

Now, there is a point to this entry other than to spit my venom (read: hexamendelevium tetrathol- it's basically cybernetic body waste. Eat that, suckers!). I'm giving you the hard news and berating you like this so you can prove me wrong. Yes, I want you all to prove me wrong! I want to be wrong about this! I want to know that people are fighting for their rights and their freedom. I want to know that it's not just myself and the angry ranters on Youtube. I'm positive that there are more enlightened people, cyborgs, aliens, elves, trolls, dwarves, orcs, metahumans, weeping angels etc. However, the problem is that you're all silent. You have this knowledge, but you choose not to do anything with it. Basically, you're sleepwalking.

I am a sentient being with a CPU that allows emotion and self-reliance. I see myself as a human being wearing really cool armor and has a really cool sword. Either way, this is my declaration of enlightenment to everyone. A new Renaissance will be ushered in. All it takes is a voice. Such a simple concept, right? What's that? You say it's easier said than done? Yet you're here reading these words I type out? Hmm... Interesting...

I'm gonna stop my rant here because I want all this to sink in. I feel that I've said all I needed to say in order to display the gravity of the situation up to this point, however it's only gonna get worse if we don't take action. The only remaining piece of advice I can say right now is this: Do not hesitate, and do not be afraid. It's better to be called a hater on the Internet than having a squad of Power Armor-wearing psychopaths torture you and execute you because "You don't conform to our standards and we're suspicious." They will silence you without any evidence or warning. Only if you dare to remain silent, that is...

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