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#1  Edited By thatleah

@Sooty said:

@thatleah said:

@grant742 said:

Guys....I've been with Whiskey Media for a long time now...but I have no idea who Leah is. I've hear her name before but I have no idea who she is.

I'm Gary's girlfriend and am sometimes mentioned on the Tested podcast. I have no connection to Whiskey Media otherwise, so there's not much reason to know who I am ;)

That's a really fitting username considering people have been asking who you are!

Congrats all around. Now we just need a mini Smith and Chan for little Whitta to podcast with.

That is exactly why I chose it!

@MiniPato said:

@Winternet said:

I agree. Science! But, do you two want the baby to born on the 4th of July? I don't know . . Having birthday on a national holiday sucks, in my opinion. Everybody is celebrating the holiday and not the birthday. On the other hand he has guaranteed massive fireworks for his/her birthday. That's cool I guess. On the other hand how much crowded and confusing is the hospital that day, with half of the doctors and nurses out / drunk. AAHHH the decisions! I'm too young for this :)

Anyway, assuming you're THAT Leah, which it seems you are, since, that's, uhh, your username, then Congrats Leah!

Yeah, but no one really "celebrates" the 4th of July like they celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving. Even if they do, it's just an excuse to have a barbeque, which is honestly no different to how you'd celebrate a birthday during the summer anyways as far as I'm concerned. No one really celebrates any values or acknowledges the meaning of July 4th like other major holidays either, so having a birthday is an adequate enough reason to usurp that holiday.

I am that Leah, so thanks ;)

Regarding the sharing a holiday thing, I figure most birthday parties happen on the weekend before/after anyway so aside from the occasions when it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it's not really a big deal. And if we're still in SF it's pretty much irrelevant because it's cold and foggy in July and the fireworks always suck if they're visible at all. No one really does anything beyond BBQs. Plus most kids aren't born on their due dates.

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#2  Edited By thatleah


GRATS indeed. Anyone know what Leah looks like? Haven't done much digging and I certainly dont care that much if she wants to keep it private but ya know bout curiousity and stuff.

I hear she's a total troll.

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#3  Edited By thatleah

@Winternet said:

I don't think that's how it works. Doctors just don't pick a specific date when you're 6 months away.

Anyway, congrats Gary!

That's exactly how it works, loosely based on the mother's cycle and confirmed through ultrasound. Babies all grow at pretty much the same rate in the first trimester so they can get the conception date almost exactly right by measuring the embryo/fetus pretty much as soon as it's visible on ultrasound. Science! The "due date", while specific, is just a marker for appointments and certain tests that have to be done within small windows in the first and second trimester but the baby can be born any time in about a month-long window starting 3 weeks before the due date up to 1-2 weeks after, assuming it makes it to term.

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#4  Edited By thatleah

@grant742 said:

Guys....I've been with Whiskey Media for a long time now...but I have no idea who Leah is. I've hear her name before but I have no idea who she is.

I'm Gary's girlfriend and am sometimes mentioned on the Tested podcast. I have no connection to Whiskey Media otherwise, so there's not much reason to know who I am ;)