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#1  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy

They knew what kind of shoes the killer wore. It was a large size, and it was an expensive, rare shoe (not rare.. but "unpopular"? Not many people had them, put it that way). OJ denied ever having those shoes. After the trial for murder was over, pictures were found with OJ wearing those shoes that he denied ever having. So yes, he did it.

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#2  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy

This list has got to be bullshit.  Did they go door to door and weigh people to see if they are fat or not? No. They go by BMI? BMI is pretty much worthless.. a guy who is really muscular or even has decent muscle mass can make it seem like he is overweight, when he is definetly not.

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#3  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy
alltoohuman said:
"The_Mac_Daddy said:
"alltoohuman said:
"The_Mac_Daddy said:
"alltoohuman said:
"SpikeSpiegel said:
"The atheists on here are more hostile than any christians I've met..."
lmao ! where the hell do you live man ? where i live christians force their beleifs on me with guns all the time. and for defending our own beleifs we're hostile? should we sit back ? should we watch facists take control ? ya its all no big deal that people beleive in a book that talks about killing gays, raping woman, killing nonbeleivers, child abuse etc.  no big deal at all. ( please pm if you want examples)"

So you are telling me Christians hold you at gunpoint and force their beliefs on you? Or is it just poor wording on your part?"
well kind of sorry. i mean yes there are christians who are gonna shoot me if i dont do what they say. so yes. like for instance if im doing a nonviolent activity like marijuana and i dissagree with their decision to send me to jail (in wich i will get raped and tortured)  and defend my self what's going to happen ? i dont do marijuana btw. and i dont think anyone should. i sure dissagree with people going to jail for it though."

You have a warped view of Christians. You are talking about very radical people. And there are radical athiests, too. All the Christians I know would never pull a gun on you for smoking weed. Ever. If they did anything, they would try to talk to you to get you to stop. Most Christians are very nice and helpful people if you let your guard down. They may call the police if you are running a marijuana ring next door. I'm Christian. I have friends who smoke weed, and I don't give a shit. I curse. I drink. I slap ho's titties around. And I still go to church.

Oh, and why do people associate guns with being Christian?  I know tons of people who are Christians, and hardly any own guns. There are some who do, but it has nothing to do with being Christians.. it has to do with living in the South where hunting is popular. 

i really didnt mean it as all christians are a certain way it was the guy who said atheists are more hostile then christians.  I was just saying christians where i live vote strongly against gay rights,drug rights not to mention war in iraq. therefore pointing a gun at me and saying " if you dont agree with the guy i elect you should be shot "  does that make sense ? and btw I personally have exact opposite experience with religous people in general where i live. but maybe were both just being biased i dont know. anyway heres a video explaining some atheist statistics. and btw sorry i kind of turned this into a huge religous debate. :P"

So what if Christians vote against gay rights, drug rights (is that even a right?), and the war. What is your point? There are places where people vote strongly FOR those things. You don't like them because they have different political opinions?

I've lived in a few cities, and have never had a problem with Christians. But I do notice if you talk about religion, athiests generally act really rude and do things like roll their eyes. If somebody tells me they are athiest, I'm not gunna sit there and roll my eyes and be condescending and act like I'm better than you. 

And where did you get the idea that Christians vote for the war in Iraq? 80% of America is Christian.. yet the war in Iraq has an approval rating of like 30%. That means the overwhelming majority of Christians do not approve of the war. 

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#4  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy
gla55jAw said:
"pause422 said:
"Seeing as Tom Cruise is in it, and he talks exactly like he always does, even though hes playing a Nazi, no."

Now I mean he's not speaking in German, so does it really matter if he has a shitty German accent or not? I thought this at first too but then I realized that it doesn't matter if they have accents or not, they're not speaking German anyway, so who cares."

I know, thats what I was thinking when that guy was complaining about him having his "normal" accent.  Seeing how they are not speaking German anyway, it shouldn't matter that he doesn't have a fake, put-on english speaking german accent.
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#5  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy

Liberals are little whiney vegetarian hippie tree hugging baby back bitches.

Send it back to me with a conservative twist..

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#6  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy

I still don't understand terrorists that hate the West (or any terrorist for that matter). Why do they have to be little uncivilized bitches? What is their beef with us?

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#7  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy
Captain_Fookup said:
"PercyChuggs said:
"I like how nobody has said "The Bible" yet. You guys rule."
You're right we need something to use as toilet paper.

I would have to say

Solar Panels
Grow Op
MAME arcade cabinet
everything else I can make out of coconuts.

nigga thats fucked up
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#9  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy
alltoohuman said:
"The_Mac_Daddy said:
"alltoohuman said:
"SpikeSpiegel said:
"The atheists on here are more hostile than any christians I've met..."
lmao ! where the hell do you live man ? where i live christians force their beleifs on me with guns all the time. and for defending our own beleifs we're hostile? should we sit back ? should we watch facists take control ? ya its all no big deal that people beleive in a book that talks about killing gays, raping woman, killing nonbeleivers, child abuse etc.  no big deal at all. ( please pm if you want examples)"

So you are telling me Christians hold you at gunpoint and force their beliefs on you? Or is it just poor wording on your part?"
well kind of sorry. i mean yes there are christians who are gonna shoot me if i dont do what they say. so yes. like for instance if im doing a nonviolent activity like marijuana and i dissagree with their decision to send me to jail (in wich i will get raped and tortured)  and defend my self what's going to happen ? i dont do marijuana btw. and i dont think anyone should. i sure dissagree with people going to jail for it though."

You have a warped view of Christians. You are talking about very radical people. And there are radical athiests, too. All the Christians I know would never pull a gun on you for smoking weed. Ever. If they did anything, they would try to talk to you to get you to stop. Most Christians are very nice and helpful people if you let your guard down. They may call the police if you are running a marijuana ring next door. I'm Christian. I have friends who smoke weed, and I don't give a shit. I curse. I drink. I slap ho's titties around. And I still go to church.

Oh, and why do people associate guns with being Christian?  I know tons of people who are Christians, and hardly any own guns. There are some who do, but it has nothing to do with being Christians.. it has to do with living in the South where hunting is popular. 

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#10  Edited By The_Mac_Daddy
Snipzor said:
"The_Mac_Daddy said:
"Snipzor said:
"The_Mac_Daddy said:
"Snipzor said:
"BoG said:
"Some of you treat your atheism very religiously."
Well I think it is more the exitement of another step in a separation of church and state. Very understandable."

There is a separation between church and state. Does any church rule us and make laws?"
Let's see, prior to Roe v Wade, abortion was illegal. Gay rights were non-existent, in the sense that in a majority of the states it was illegal to be gay (Actually in 30 states you can be fired for being gay). The evangelical church is one of the highest non-corporate donor of the republican party and one of the higher donors in the democratic party.
Sure there was a law created in the mid-1950's that separated church and state, but there is a massive lobbying process.

But do we pay taxes to the Catholic Church? Does the Catholic Church make laws? No. Religious morals in government is completely different from what separation of church and state means."
What does that mean, "Religious morals"? Last time I checked the Evangelical Group leaders were for stronger nuclear armaments and going to war with Muslim nations. Let me repeat that last one, going to war with Muslim nations.
Don't morals include overall love for your fellow man?

Meaning if one politicians religious beliefs do not see abortion as right, then that person does not have to want to make abortion legal. Separation of church and state means that No religion or church can rule. There is a separate form of government... separate from the churches. The people who work for the government can still believe what they believe based on their religion.
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