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It would appear reviews are not to be trusted, many sites giving this game perfect scored or high 9's out of 10, but the game the guys described is 4 or 5 at best or what is the score you give a game that works but is just terrible.

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Putting the Pee in the PS4 controller

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Jeff finds Gears 5 campaign a drag to play, wow just wow. I thought Gears 5 campaign was one of the most balls out fun games I have played in awhile.

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Well I agree the gaming media does seem to have an anti MS bias, it varies in intensity from site to site, it may simply be a product of the fact that PS outsold Xbox 2:1 and therefore they worry that any positivity towards xbox maybe effect their larger audience negatively or it may simply be that they use their PS's way more and are unfamiliar with the xbox as the games did run a little better on PS but its kind of their job to know this stuff. I mean the constant bashing of xbox's UI seems utterly petty, is it amazing no, is it on par with the PS4's (also not great UI) yes it is. Spend even little more than a minute with it and you know your way around it, there are multiple ways to get to your content fast, you can pin your content to main screen at the bottom, how hard is that???.

Also nearly every site is running with the theme "we have no idea who the x is for" really? I mean really your job is based on knowing about games and gamers yet you can't possible conceive there is a demographic of people with disposable income who don't see 500 bucks as some an unattainable sum of money who may prefer console gaming over PC due to the fact their friends are on console, and who want to play the best versions of multiplat games (You know the games that sell the most by a scary amount, you may have heard of some of them even GTA, COD, AC, Destiny BF1, Red Dead......) I mean MS has said it many times this is a premium product and that they don't expect high sales and the One S will be their main seller. They positioned the X the same way as they did with the elite controller. I was not expecting any crazy excitement about a mid gen refresh but the negativity is depressing. I have owned every Sony console other than the PS2 (I lived in a house at uni where we had one) and as a PS4 owner I would like for things to turn around for MS and they get back in the fight, the PS3 is what a complacent Sony produces, gamers win when these companies compete and bring their A game. I actually really do like Jeff he is a funny dude so I am not attacking him.

Anyway I am loving my Xbox one X I have actually pulled some games of my pile of shame and spent all last Sunday with Tomb Raider and looks stunning on my 4k TV I also never really played The Witcher for long after the intro as I was deep in some other games at the time so I am glad I can now play a way better looking game than I would have had I played it back then

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Edited By The_Valhura

@krakn3dfx: @ "I feel really bad for Microsoft, they can't catch a break." he is just trying to dampen down any excitement anyone has for the release of the X1X, its pretty the standard opinion across the all gaming sites.

I mean all gaming sites crapped on the X1 because it was marginally less powerful than the PS4 now its apparently a terrible thing that there is a more capable xbox.

When Jeff plays the PC card constantly he seems to forget that the vast majority of PC gamers have rigs that will come no where close to the performance of the X1X even a PC with slightly better specs will be out performed by the X1X as the games will be better optimized.

I am also sure there are many current xbox owners who want to upgrade, and they will not throw their old consoles in the trash they will sell them or give them away which will increase the number xbox out there.

Also not everyone has a PC, what if mac owners want to play games with high end graphics.

Also not sure what his stance on Re-core is, Should MS have waited to release Re-core yes of course they should have it was kinda dumb to release it with issues when with a little more time they could have had a hit on their hands and a much needed new franchise with a lot potential for great sequels. Releasing it early damaged the games reputation, Microsoft's rep and the game dev's rep. However the game was released at a budget price and it looks like if you did buy the game at that price you are now getting what sounds like the fully finished game for that budget price, MS should have sold it as a game preview game and there would have been no backlash and in fact people would have been surprised at how good it actually was and it would have built hype for the final finished release. MS could have simply said well based on the horrible low review scores this game is toxic why waste anymore resources on it but they did not.

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I think Jeffs taste in games and my tastes are polar opposites if Jeff hates a game I will probably love it. I loved every second on Inside, also I doubt he did it in 2 hours, even if he did every puzzle straight away it would be difficult to finish the game anywhere close to that

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Edited By The_Valhura


@arabes said:

@mechanized: I just did the same thing :D It's fucking hilarious! We were thinking of doing something new but instead decided to give you something so similar that the main protagonist is the son of the previous protagonist! Genius!!

I don't see what the problem is, and I don't see the same shit being leveled at Uncharted 4 or the Metal Gear Series who pretty much has the same character in all 5 games (Well maybe 2 with Raiden) even though it was supposed to be different people.

They prob don't want the same situation that happened with 343 and Halo, 343 tried to put their own stamp on Halo straight away with their Halo/Cod frankenstienian mash up and they lost half the Halo audience which by all accounts never returned even though IMO Halo 5's mp is some of the best MP ever made.

Plus apart from some minor story setting details and some minor character details there aint the much out there about Gears 4's gameplay and mechanics.

But as usual games writers and haters don't need much excuse these days to shit all over anything if it is remotely related to MS and have such glaring double standards I feel embarrassed for them.

Alex on the beast cast last week was a glaring example of this as he was so negative about Gears then proceeded to talk positively about uncharted which has the same characters and probably a similar plot and similar settings as all the other Uncharted games.

I love both Gears and Uncharted and will be playing both games this year but I do wish the endless MS bashing could at least be toned down a little its getting so very very tiring

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