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#1  Edited By TheJagji

Right, so I know I am ressing this, but I can't make a thread till I have 3 posts, and this is how I got here. So....

I have been having a similar problem. However, it happens to me in both Fire Fox and IE, and in games. I am on Win 10, and it was happening before the Creator Update, as well as now. If I pause vids and play them again, they 'reset' the sync, and the video 'catches up' with the audio. This is happening on YouTube where I am running HTML5. On Crunchyroll, which uses a Flash player, the video have wired audio glitch every so often.

On top of that, the longer I have my PC running, the worse it gets. After I reboot, its fine, but how long its fine for is random. It could be fine for a few days, or a few hours.

I am use the on board Mobo sound, and my GFX is a 970GTX. I am not sure at all what the problem could be, and would be super great full for any help.

And again, sorry for ressing a 2 year old thread.