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A New Hub/Home if you will

"Tell Carl to load my elephant gun with buckshot... We're gonna hunt down these sickos." 
I tried making a blogspot. I tried using my facebook notes. Nothing ended well or continued properly. This will be my new hub for reviews, opinions, etc. I'm sure this will make a fine home... hopefully people will read some of my stuff o.O 
WELL I've been quite lazy and have some stuff still in process: 
REVIEW: Gamer (Neveldine/Taylor. 2009) 
REVIEW: Where the Wild Things Are (Jonze, Spike. 2009) 
REVIEW: The Royal Tenenbaums (Anderson, Wes. 2001)   
I took a small break on video games for a while, because I found my calling (I want to be a filmmaker) and wanted to build my DVD collection and basic knowledge of cinema. I love movies lol.  So in retrospect, I might do some small stuff on video games, I'm not sure right now (if it makes for any consolation, all I've been playing is Resident Evil 4... that's right... 4.) I still want to buy SAW, Borderlands, Silent Hill: Shattered Dreams, and Brutal Legend
I hope ya'll will be welcoming and read some of the stuff I post :P I'll also post some reviews I already finished. 
Thanks, and have a good day!