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Oh Baby I Like It Raw....

I’m playing more GH:WT. It’s pretty fun… great setlist (meaning good job at getting NOFX neversoft… lol but seriously… some good songs in there). The coup-de-gras of the actual game is the music studio (I don’t even know if I spelled that right!). I’m currently working on my grunge rendition of ODB’s Shimmy Shimmy Yah…. Yeah it’ll be awesome J.

ANYWHO… I just bought Dead Space... Scene It! Box Office SMASH!!!!!!!... and Fallout 3 (which was defective so I am returning tomorrow... so yeah.... /sad face). Dead Space at first was "holy sh*t! scary! intense!"... but now... It's just fun. Reminds me of Doom 3 (one of my favorite games) mixed with Resident Evil 4 (HEY... thats another one of my favorite games!) and that works out really well. I dont know if this is weird, but I have WAY too much ammo. Maybe I'm not shooting enough, ehh I dont know. POINT IS, Dead space is fun, when I'm done with it I Shall review!.

Scene it! Box Office SMASH!!!!!! *punches wall* is ALOT of fun with others. I've been able to play with some of my friends and with my parents. They all enjoy it... I'm sure everyone else will too!

OBAMA WINS!!!!!! AGHRAGAHGHAHAGHRHRRGRAHAGRroflARARAHRG!!!!!! lol good for him! I wish good luck to McCain, Palin, and Ron Paul. Also... I'm with Jeff... Hulk Hogan should've won.

On a sad note... King of the Hill was cancelled :(

I'll discuss more in the future... back to the Giant Bombcast!!!!

(I'm gonna write iin teh blaw more often now!)

