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Pineapple Express in Review!

    As far as stoner comedies go, they've grown pretty tired. I was really excited about this movie and I hoped the best for it. In my humble opinion, this is one of the best stoner comedies ever. The comedy has a nice kind of "you need to listen" touch mixed with pop culture reference joke system and it works very well. The characters are really easy to like (even most of the villains... except for Rosie Perez... she's annoying as FUCK) and the story is pretty interesting. The guys who steal the show are James Franco's drug dealer character Saul Silver, and Danny McBride's character Red. They both have hilarious parts and they always steal the scenes they're in. While it isn't the strongest of Apatow's comedies, it is a great one and ranks pretty high up there. Around the end of the movie, it turns into a Hot Fuzz-esque action movie. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it sometimes doesn't work and it gets pretty old (a good action comedy is Tropic Thunder.... everybody should watch that too XD). It get's pretty graphic but it maintains its stability as a comedy and manages to add SOME great action. All in all... Pineapple Express is a F*CKIN AWESOME movie. For those who love Superbad and other Apatow movies, or movies like the Harold and Kumar flicks, Pineapple Express is one hell of a time.

4.7 out of 5.0

This movie.....kicked ass....

- Great cameos from Craig Robinson, Bobby Lee, Ed Begley Jr., Amber Heard, Bill Hader, Troy Gentile, and many more.
- I like how everytime the main characters smoke and get high, they tend to get in trouble. I feel like it's a little way showing that smoking weed and doing other drugs leads to bad things.
- The unrated version is MUCH better than the theatrical version (more extended than unrated).
- Excellent soundtrack (no Paper Planes, sorry).
- The version with the digital copy is recommended, for use with the ipod, pc, and psp

I'll put up more of these one paragraph reviews in the future for more movies. Later guys, and happy new year!