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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories coming soon

^^^^^go there and discuss instead, for that was posted before this one :(
Same Info:
Last week, online reports surfaced claiming that Konami was prepping a remake of its original survival horror action adventure Silent Hill, which first saw release on the PlayStation in 1999. At the time, a Konami representative confirmed for GameSpot that an official announcement for the game was en route. And true to its word, the publisher revealed today that Silent Hill: Shattered Memories will arrive for the Wii, PlayStation 2, and PSP this fall.

Calling Silent Hill: Shattered Memories a reimagining rather than a remake, Konami said that the game will again follow Harry Mason as he searches the eerie town of Silent Hill in an effort to find his daughter. However, Shattered Memories will offer a number of new wrinkles on the original, with Konami promising "an interactive user interface" as well as a revamped puzzle system.

The most significant change to Shattered Memories will be the psych profile system. Speaking to Nintendo Power, producer Tomm Hulett commented: "One of Shattered Memories' most significant and intriguing additions--your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn't end there. The game 'watches' you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you'll meet certain characters, which scenes you'll witness, and a variety of other factors."

With 2008's Silent Hill: Homecoming released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, Konami noted that Shattered Memories will be the first installment in the series released for the Wii. The Nintendo edition will support the Wii Remote's motion-sensing capabilities, with players using the controller as a stand-in for a flashlight and cell phone, which aid them in finding clues.