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Holding up to the test of time, graphically or otherwise

I recently downloaded Street Fighter II (Virtual Console) on my Wii and found that it was a great game. The graphics really look great to me.

Let me describe that. Some games, like Killzone 2 or Crysis, just look amazing and almost real to me. Other games, like World of Goo, Mario 64, Halo, or SFII, just look good to me. Like they did what they were trying to accomplish with the graphics they have, and nothing else is really needed.

Also, I recently went back to play Majora's Mask on my 64 (which is the best Zelda game, post forthcoming). That also had awesome graphics to me, because I didn't really feel like it needed any more. The characters, stories, and art design really make a game look good to me.

Metroid Prime is another game. That game looks pretty good just graphically, but the art style, the whole feel of the game, and the enemies and presentation just make that game look simply amazing to me.

What games "hold up" like this to you? Or, what games do you think their graphics are just fine as they are, and aren't very glaring in today's world of 360's and PS3s?

Comments appreciated!