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Thanks - my bad on the square crouch! Been on of those days today - thanks again!

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#2  Edited By Thlorian

POSSIBLE MINOR SPOILER ALERT: In revenge of the Nora, the last step (after the 3 camps are cleared), I am with Varl and have climbed up, into and along the outer metal tower area . I have killed the two guards and went thought the cut scenw with Varl and found the blaze barrels section/area needed to blowup. I have sent Varl to let the others know the plan. Here is the issue----->problem is I CAN NOT GET DOWN INTO THE CULTIST CAMP in the metal arena! I have climbed and crawled EVERYWHERE and the game WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO GET IN THERE. What is going on here??? Also all of a sudden at this point in the game, pressing down on the left joy stick will not hide me in the red bushes?? Very frustrated as the game is losing its magic fast here. If there is some SNEAKY hole/area that I missed in order to get into the metal arena, can someone please post a pic here showing exactly where this is at or send it via my email addy - thanks very much ......