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So I am looking for the name of two games that is driving me crazy. The first is a medieval rts PC game which came out probably 95-99. That's when I played it (98). I think it came along with our computer when we bought it. All remember is basically that you had these blue soldiers that you ordered around and took castles and such. The enemy was red. It wasn't very deep. I think it max had like 3 unit types. It was pretty gory for an rts but just blood. I kinda just remember sucking at it seeing as I was like 7. I don't think there was any fantasy elements, but I won't rule it out completely.

The other one is more odd. It's a 2d sidescroller plattformer game. You could move backwards through levels. Also on pc. A shooter where you played soldiers which dropped into the level and it was sort of weird mix of technology. Different levels and you had to defeat bosses in a certain way, but once you died enough times you had to start all over, and you couldn't save or anything. It was sort of arcadey, it had "insert coin to continue" etc. I think I played a demo of some sorts. Also late 90s.