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Thoughts on the VGA Trailers

After the mix of trailers coming out of the VGA's I thought I would right down my thoughts on a few of them. 

Forza 4

I am a bit excited for this although I am starting to get worried that they are releasing these games a bit too often. Forza 3 was a huge game and I never got close to doing everything that you could in that game so do I really need another one. Also I am assuming this may be the first serious Kinect game so there is that.  

Mass Effect 3

Very excited for this I loved Mass Effect 2 an unreasonable amount. Will it be Xbox exclusive? 

Batman Arkham City

 All I could think is that has there been talks between Chris Nolan and Rocksteady. I know Rocksteady have a very different take on the Batman franchise but its seems like both might be going for Hugo Strange as the main villain. Probably a big coincidence but I bet Rocksteady will be very happy it has turned out that way. 

Elder Scrolls V

 I am excited for this but I think only if they have a new engine. If it comes out as buggy as the Fallout games I will probably pass. 

PS3 exclusives

 Sony are going all guns blazing next year with Killzone, Resistance and Uncharted 3. Out of the three the only one that really makes me want a PS3 is Uncharted 3. I am sure Killzone and Resistance will be good but I imagine they will be just great FPS which 360 also has so I don't necessarily hate not being able to play them. 
I know there is already a proper thread about this stuff but let me know your opinions.


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Edited By tofford

After the mix of trailers coming out of the VGA's I thought I would right down my thoughts on a few of them. 

Forza 4

I am a bit excited for this although I am starting to get worried that they are releasing these games a bit too often. Forza 3 was a huge game and I never got close to doing everything that you could in that game so do I really need another one. Also I am assuming this may be the first serious Kinect game so there is that.  

Mass Effect 3

Very excited for this I loved Mass Effect 2 an unreasonable amount. Will it be Xbox exclusive? 

Batman Arkham City

 All I could think is that has there been talks between Chris Nolan and Rocksteady. I know Rocksteady have a very different take on the Batman franchise but its seems like both might be going for Hugo Strange as the main villain. Probably a big coincidence but I bet Rocksteady will be very happy it has turned out that way. 

Elder Scrolls V

 I am excited for this but I think only if they have a new engine. If it comes out as buggy as the Fallout games I will probably pass. 

PS3 exclusives

 Sony are going all guns blazing next year with Killzone, Resistance and Uncharted 3. Out of the three the only one that really makes me want a PS3 is Uncharted 3. I am sure Killzone and Resistance will be good but I imagine they will be just great FPS which 360 also has so I don't necessarily hate not being able to play them. 
I know there is already a proper thread about this stuff but let me know your opinions.