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Rental Blues (and other tidbits)

So I went to re-rent Dead Space today in order to complete the game (I've only beaten half of the game so far) but of course, it was not in stock.

They did, however, have Fallout 3, Saints Row 2, and Far Cry 2. They only have three copies of Dead Space in total (not available, but total), whereas there were literally about 12ish copies of Fallout 3, only two copies of Far Cry 2, and about 10 total for Saints 2 (one copy available.)

I thought Dead Space and Far Cry were a bit more popular. Am I the only one that thinks this? I just figured they would have more of each of these. Anyways, I managed to leave the place with no money spent, miraculously. I wanted to play all three of those games (plus the new Spiderman game), but somehow saved the money to try again for Dead Space tomorrow.

Dunno why, I just don't like that game very much. I'll probably inadvertently rip it apart when I review it. I tried real hard to see what all the fuss was about, but guess I can't. I only want to rerent it to complete it. I can't stand having it halfway finished x.x

As far as Fable II goes, I now own enough real estate to make about 14k gold coins every five minutes. Do the math. This game is freaking amazing, and I can't wait to finish it tomorrow. The quests are entertaining and thoughtful, and the game's visuals make me gawk.

I see on my friends' blogs that everyone is getting Fallout 3 it seems like. I hated Oblivion so I'm kinda thinking this game isn't for me. I'm still willing to give it a try though, so who knows. Anyone have any thoughts on the new games? What all are you playing now? Anything to recommend for my next rental?

As a final note, I'm too dang lazy to post my Castle Crashers review. Yes, I'm aware that no one cares about Castle Crashers anymore. But yes, I still wanted to write the review if just for my own benefit.


Random and Short

I have no idea why, but buying property in Albion (Fable II) is incredibly fun.

Just the game in general is incredibly fun. I can definitely see myself making another playthrough. Wish I could afford to buy it and not just rent it...but oh well. I'll take what I can get.

Am I the only one who can't wait for the lull in the new releases to catch up on everything? Talk about sensory overload!

Should have the Castle Crashers review up tomorrow. I'm too dang lazy to finish it x.x

I can't do any homework. My 360 controller is superglued to my hands.


Gaming. Yum.

Got Dead Space rental. Got Fable II rental.
It's a wonderful thing.
Got Castle Crashers review written, just needs a graphic.
Everything seems to be going great in the gaming world!

Here are some of my impressions of Fable II:

-Story seems weak so far. Can't figure out what is going on.
-The dialogue sucks for the most part.
-Combat feels simple but gratifying.
-Digging the character customization. My dude looks flipping awesome.
-I like the way you accrue experience by using the respective skills.
-It's terribly hard to navigate without fast-travel.
-The peasants can get freakin annoying.
-Economic system is interesting and fun.
-Ability to purchase properties is awesome.
-I don't feel like I'm actually getting to make choices between good or evil....
-Boo on that last one hardcore.

Anyways, hopefully I'll finish these two games up soon!


Over the Counter?

So yea. I returned Mercs 2 on Sunday like a good boy, since that is when it was due. Although the place I was renting from has an awesome late policy of only $1 per day late, unlike the usual "late one day, pay one week!" deal.
Too bad they didn't have Dead Space, which is what I finally decided that I wanted to rent next.
So I waited a day. No dice.
I got desperate. Said bye to Hastings, great though it may be, and went to a crappier location, albeit one with a much greater selection of available games that I was interested in.
Still no Spacey Deadness. So, what do I do? I asked if they knew when it was going to be available. Whereas Hastings didn't even appear to have any on order, the kind lady behind the desk at Movie Gallery informed me that they did indeed have the game...behind the counter. That's the kind of thing you never get lucky with. You always ask hoping they have what you want behind the counter, but they never do.
Fortunately for me, I now have my rental copy of Dead Space and am just now a good bit through the second chapter. I must admit I'm not a fan of the genre, but the more I play the more this game grows on me. Hopefully I can get all giddy like everyone else is doing.

Is it just me, or does his run look retarded? He's all Hunchback and stuff...
Not digging the story, but the combat is fun, though predictable. Ex: Oh, wait, the lights went out again! NoooOooo way! (sarcasm). I wonder if there will be anything waiting for me if I take a few more steps?

Besides that though, it feels very polished and easy to play. Good game so far, hope it gets better.
Reviews coming soon hopefully for Castle Crashers, Mass Effect, and Mercs 2. Hopefully in that order.
What's everyone else playing right now? What would you recommend? Anyone getting their midnight copy of Fable 2? Not me! haha.


Hi, My Name is Torb, and I'm an Achievaholic.

I was trying really hard to get 1000/1000 for Mercs 2 (Yes, I'm aware that many of you would simply tell me that the game sucks and it isn't worth it, but I'm having fun with it). But simply put, at least one of the achievements is glitched. Luckily for me, it's not like this is the last one on the list, so I'm just calling it quits early. I swear, I've sniped something like 75+ enemy drivers from their driver's seat (the achievement requires 50 such kills) and it simply won't unlock. I wasted like two hours trying to get it to unlock, but no dice. Oh well. At least now I don't need to waste time going for the others. What's worse, most of the achievements are available during co-op. But then there are a few that aren't that you can only get by playing through a buttload of the game. What sucks is I've been playing on my friend's save file. Why not just make all the achievements available through coop? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Mmmm...floaty driving controls. My favorite.
Mmmm...floaty driving controls. My favorite.

But seriously, glitched achievements? Makes completionists such as myself weep bitter tears at night.
I sit at home in my beanbag chair, eatin' cheetos, crying my eyes out, watching the Women's Entertainment network...

I wish I knew why they were so addictive, but I don't.
Just one more fix. That's all it seems I ever need. Always.
Oh well. At least it's fun. And undetrimental to my health.
Well, mostly.

So anyways, I should be renting another videogame tomorrow, seeing as how Mercs 2 is due back (I'll turn it in if I manage to finish the game, by which I mean finish the campaign/"story.") What should I get? Here's my choices:
Dead Space - Wasn't looking forward to this but some people hyped me up for it. Then I decided to rent it. Then I read a bunch of stuff cooling off the hype. So now I'm not sure what to do. Not a huge survival/horror fan but I'd be willing to try this game out.
Fracture - Yea, I know, lots of people say it sucks, but I had a blast with the demo. Plus, this would just be a rental. The criticisms I have read that could not be apparent from the demo have me concerned though. Stupid cover system of hills and lots of frustrating deaths mainly are what have me concerned.
Star Wars: TFU - Didn't like the demo much at all but I'd still be willing to give the game a chance.
Pure - This game was a blast on the demo but not sure I have the right attention span for a racing game...I can only do laps so many times...
Alternatively, I could wait a few more days until FarCry 2 comes out, which I'm dyin to play. However, not sure when that will actually hit rental shelves...
Also, Saints Row 2 is out of the question for now because I'm waiting until a friend can play it with me. I'm anxious to hit on that too.

On a sepate note, the local Movie Gallery (rental place a la Blockbuster) had an awesome buy 2 used get 2 free deal going down, so I picked up The Bank Job, The Darjeeling Limited, Death at a Funeral, and Savages for the low low price of $30. That's like $7.50/movie which isn't very bad at all.


Yup, I've been renting games now for a couple of months. It's definitely saved me a ton of cash. No longer do I have to buy games, but yet I still get the full experience for a fraction of the cost. I've officially moved from Gamefly to my local Hastings (for those who don't know it's just a lot of everything from movies to games to books to collectibles). Fast access plus good prices make for a winner.

Spacey deliciousness.
Spacey deliciousness.

I'll just keep this short and sweet. I currently have out Mercenaries 2, and man am I having a blast in coop! I've been playing the entire game in co-op and I must say, despite glaring glitches, this game is amazingly fun. I know there are some of you out there who might disagree, but I'm having a great time with my well-spent $8.

I get to turn Mercs 2 in on Sunday or sooner (hopefully after getting all the achievements :D) and then I have to decide what to pick next! I'm holding off on Saints Row 2 until a friend of mine can get it to play through in co-op, so that's out of the question. This leaves either Dead Space or Fracture. Yes, I know it's a no-brainer. Go with Dead Space! That's what you'll say. But I really liked the Fracture demo and just want to experience the game. Dead Space looks sweet but I've never been a huge fan of the survival/horror genre. But I dunno I might give it a chance. Anyone have any logical reasoning for choosing one over the other? Anyone else experiencing the joy of renting?

The un-joy of renting is that there are 19 games coming out over the next monthish and I have to narrow my selections. No way I can play them all. If you could only pick three games to play over the next month and a half or so, what would they be?

I'm Losing Hope

In GameFly. Yes, I know, some of you jaded vets out there could probably tell me "Well, duh." But still. I had to try. They received Mass Effect from me on Thursday and still have yet to send me a game. I have six games on my list that have been released, and apparently none of them are old enough for them to have a copy available. Two of the games on that list are described as being "Medium" availability, which according to them means that the game has a 50-74% chance of being sent to me "today." Well folks, it's been Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and I ain't got nothin comin to me yet. Two games with that high of a percentile chance? Looks like pretty good odds to me over three days. Apparently not.

If they don't send anything by Monday I'm cancelling. I don't pay $18ish a month just to play old games, and only for two out of four weeks of my month at that.
Worthless. Just worthless.
If only I could afford to buy games x.x

Anyone else try Gamefly and fail epicly as well?



Not feeling so hot today. Allergies out the wazoo. It's the poorest excuse for being sick, I know, but I feel miserable. I guess it's a cold? My nose is stopped up like a dang toilet full of crap and at the same time is running like a bleeding man on too much aspirin. What this means is I may only sniffle pitifully in a frail attempt at keeping from having to use a bajillion tissues. The sniffing doesn't work, however, because my nose is plugged! It's a frustrating cycle that I'm quite sure you would have felt better not knowing about :D

I've felt so bad I haven't even played any videogames today O.o
I think I played the demo for Mercs 2 and that was it...I really wanted to but just couldn't bring myself to do it.

But when I do feel better, I think I'll hit up Ace Combat 6 (with the flight sticks). Haven't played very much of that game and it's about time I did!


It's a Beautiful, Rolled-Up Cosmos

Now that Mass Effect is gone (and as I'm anxiously awaiting to see if and what Gamefly sends my way) I decided to revisit Beautiful Katamari. I never spent more than a couple hours playing that game, because honestly, I didn't find it all that addicting. I don't really think it's that fun, either. It's awesome but lame at the same time. Kind of reminds me of the way they do Dynasty Warriors (same song, 100th verse, never gets better but only gets more-oudated-looking), but its mysterious quirkiness and fish-eat-fish gameplay mechanic keeps it somehow satisfying to roll up entire planets. But I got it for like $20 so I'd say it's good enough for that. I finally "beat the game" but I still have one extra stage left, even though I saved the cosmos...Guess I'm doing that tomorrow.

Anyone want to take a wild guess on what brought me back?

Oh, so satisfying. My mouth waters.
Oh, so satisfying. My mouth waters.

Achievements. Duh.

Picked up a few tonight (like 6 or so) and plan on going for a couple more before I put it away for good. While I'm going for achievements, I'm not going for completionistchievements. That is, I'm not going for 1000/1000. Just whatever seems feasible.

Though I must admit I'm halfway anticipating my Xbox 360 to red-ring in the near future. Why? Because I'm doing something stupid to get a couple achievements. I'm leaving my Xbox 360 on for the next 6ish hours overnight to try and build up towards a "100 hours playtime" achievement. Stupid, I know. But hey, crack addicts will do anything to get their crack.

It's never been more fun to be a metaphorical crack addict than it is now.
On a side note, anyone notice the weird similarities between these two games' boxart?

Look, it's Left
Look, it's Left "4" Dead! Hence, there are only four fingers! Genius!
A floating hand...right before it turns into a zombie hand!
A floating hand...right before it turns into a zombie hand!

Ta Ta For Now, Mass Effect! Or Something...

Well, I've put Mass Effect back in its GameFly envelope and it's being put in the mail tomorrow morning.
I lack only a small bit of the achievements I set out to get, but I depserately need a break from that game. After 55+ hours of playtime, I simply cannot force myself to make two more playthroughs at the moment. Thankfully, my cousin has the game, and he'll be mailing it to me for free so I can play when I feel like it. In the meantime, I can start trying to get other games from GameFly. That is, if they decide they have enough copies to send me one of the good ones... x.x
We'll see how that goes. I'm not expecting much.

To fight again another day...
To fight again another day...

Anyways, I know some of you probably think I'm stupid for doing things such as whining about not being able to get a particular achievement, but hey, it's part of the reason I play these games. For me, any way you can have fun playing a videogame is justification for doing so. I ended up getting the achievement I talked about not getting in my previous blog. Apparently the game does not recognize the boss character "Fist" as an "organic" who qualifies for the achievement. I dunno if that makes any sense. Basically you can use the power on him all you want but it doesn't count. So I tried it again on a non-boss and ta-daa! It worked.

So in other news, I'm hoping to finish up Carnivale Season Two in the very near future. I only have 2-3 episodes left and I'm not looking forward to a hey-this-show-got-cancelled ending. It was a slow but elegantly moving show that has built up steam tremendously since season one and it's going to be a shame to see it end. Just watched the episode "Lincoln Highway" from season two and it is quite possibly my favorite episode from any TV show of all time. Yes, even out of all the awesome Lost episodes I could pick. It was simply beautiful. Stunning cinematography and setting and plot progression. It was wonderful. If anyone has seen this show let me know. Even better, if you know the specific episode I'm referring to, you are now my hero.

Also in the realm of TV, I've started watching Rob and Big. Uh-freaking-mazing. Never knew this show even existed until last week and now I watch it all the time. Thankfully I have DVR so I can record them all and watch them in order (yea I just kinda haveta watch them in order x.x). This is my new favorite show.

And last but not least, here is a shout-out to the Colbert Report. It's the only kind of politics I can handle, and proves day by day why these people in this area of our lives are idiots. But that's just my take on it. :D

Thanks for reading and commenting to those who do! I appreciate it so much.