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Just A Lil Sumpin' Sumpin' to Say I'm Still Alive

Soo yea. I'm typing this from my new rental house as I mooch off of a neighbor's internet, waiting for my internet stuff to be sent to me via mail. Oh, wonderful.

Stuff is getting steadily put in its place. Yesterday I spent nearly all the money we accrued from getting married (you know, when people give you stuff for getting married and such. They call them "showers"...note the sarcasm).

We went and had a heyday buying groceries and furniture and all the stuff both big and small that was still needed for the house. Problem for me is, most of the aforementioned furniture was Target assemble-it-yourself stuff. It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but it's a pain in the butt. I finished one and got about four more major projects to go.

What makes it worse is that this furniture has to be completed so we can finish unloading the boxes. Stuff has to have somewhere to go! And this furniture is all there to provide us with storage space we didn't have previously.

Anywho, I got one week til school starts and no real time to relax. Sure, we have been sleeping in some, but that's not really my idea of relaxing.
I wanna just chill and watch movies and such.

Anyways, there's a little update for any concerned. I just happened to come back to see the new Gamespot, which I'm sure is old news by now. Looks pretty snazzy.

And for all the smartalecs out there, I'm still keeping some form of the Dark Knight review bottled up in the back of my mind :P. I have been so. freaking. busy. Day in and day out!
