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I'll care about two sticks on a 3ds when Nintendo does.

I'm stoked about the 3DS XL announcement. Granted, I honestly thought it would take longer than a year from the system's release to reach this point, but all I can say is that a better Nintendo handheld experience is a better Nintendo handheld experience. So when Shigeru Miyamoto says that the current hardware is perfect for what the N has in store, (and this is still the same hardware, just bigger,) I'll trust him.

Seriously though, everyone keeps talking about how much of a let down it is that the 3ds doesn't have two analog sticks. Here's why I am not on board with that argument:

I can count the number of 3ds games that use the circle pad pro on one hand. I can count the amount of GOOD games that use the circle pad pro on less than that. When Nintendo starts to push the idea that a second analog stick is crucial to their handheld experience, that is when we should get serious about it. You could make the argument that it would improve the ease of manuverability of the camera, and on a game like "Kid Icarus" I would be inclined to agree. As a majority though, most DS through current 3DS games have gotten along swimmingly with the hardware provided. I don't believe there has ever been a time in my DS experience where I thought to myself: "Hey! You know what would make this better?'Nother stick!"A major problem here is developers not knowing how to utilize this idea of a second stick in a way that would be enjoyable I think. A lot of the DS success has been based off of what already works. So in theory, I could use the argument "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I wont though. That's silly.

So like I said, Once Nintendo thinks it's a necessity, then I'll be right behind them. They've never led me astray before

Oh... Yeah...