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Kat's Year in Picturbs

I was bored and thus signed in to Facebook on the 360 for the first (and probably last) time. But while there I found the album I uploaded of the time I spent in Ontario this past April/May. I love my friends, and here are some choice moments I still laugh at.
We had Nanaimo Bar mix, but no baking pan. Solution: Line a shoebox with foil.

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They tasted fine. I only ate one though for hopefully obvious reasons.
1. Remove Important sticker on Bus
2. Place it hilariously behind an old gentleman 

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This is the most depressing fucking toy I've ever seen. I'll always regret not buying it. As my friend Jay would say, " You should get like ten of these and put one in a casket and have the rest standing around solemnly." 

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Duncan doing questionable things again. These patterns are supposed to be of Salmon (because in B.C. we have lots so it's a symbol of the area). But they look strikingly like something else.

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And lastly, Duncan being forced by me to try on a woman's vest. He does indeed look like Leon Kennedy's gay brother:

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<3 my friends. I miss them.