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My Reptiles :3

A break from art and video game-related stuff. I worked at a pet store for awhile as a Fish and Reptile Tech, I loved my job before the company let sick reptiles die knowing long beforehand they had time to get them vet-checked so I quit. Anyway, here's my tiny collection so far.
This is Avarus, my Citrus-Sandfire Bearded Dragon. A great beginner reptile but they're great pets on the whole.

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She's gettin' chunky.
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This is my Okeetee Corn Snake. His original name was Super Nintendo Chalmers, but we just call him "Snake".

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Okeetee is the most common corn snake morph but I appreciate the orange-to-yellow gradient as well as his black and white checkered belly. Their natural habitat contains corn as their name suggests, but more specifically Indian Corn. This pattern is intended for them to blend in with that, so I get him the decorative Indian Corn in the fall to line his tank with so he feels more at home :3

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Finally I have my White's Tree Frog. A friend of mine wanted him and I decided it was better for him to be with her, but he's an awesome little dude and barked whenever he heard my hair dryer. Here's a picture of him meditating. One day I'll get the giant file I have of this printed as a poster:

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Man that frog kicked ass.