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Sketch Blog #3 - Jeff (Inks and Colors)

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Inks and flat colours:

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Well it's Saturday so I had to hurriedly clean up the pencils for inking today. I have a friend flying in from the Homeland this Tuesday which means I need today to frantically clean my entire apartment. I might Livestream, I might not. Either way, I'm eating a breakfast sandwich before I do SHIT. 
(There are some un-erased spots but it doesn't matter because it's being inked digitally anyway.)

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Got some super rough work of Jeff and his Jack Frost done this morning.  I need a webcam or something so I can sketch during my weekly live shows since that's the most interesting aspect of these things, seeing it come together. Anyway I digress, here's the sketch so far:

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I'm constructing a place on my website to put all of my GB work so it's easier to find rather than scrolling through various blog entries. Though I can't post the link until I get permission to have a page like that on a separate site (I imagine that'd open up some sort of legal thing which just isn't worth the headache). We'll see, I guess. ^_^
Finished Vinny from last week:

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