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Video game memories

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  • One of my first video game experiences, watching my dad play through this epic adventure in small bite sized chunks, to this day i've never actually completed it myself.


    In the later years i have played several of the games that followed, even the dreaded Zelda II for the NES (I actually quite like it), the Link to the past for the SNES is one of my alltime favorites closely followed by the Ocharina of time for the N64 and the later Minish Cap for the Gameboy advanced, sadly i never managed to get a gamecube while the Windwaker was about and deeply saddend that the WII, whose flimsy motion controls i neither can nor want to master was granted another game in my favorite series.

  • The close second to the legend of zelda, were the tales of space bounty hunter, Samus Aran, another game my dad would play for hours with us all watching, and another game i've played very little of myself.


    I have since played to completion Super Metroid for the SNES and several of their excursions to the gameboy advanced such as Fusion and Zero mission. Saddend by the turn to 3D with the Metroid Prime series for both Gamecube and WII, hoping that one day they will return to the 2D form that fits this style of game so well.

  • Having spent my youth following the hero in green on his adventures i rather missed out on the beginning of the Final fantasy series with 7 as my first game. It's often referred to as a failure, but i have to disagree, i enjoyed the story (hated the villan) and loved the music that still to this day reminds me of hours spent with my Playstation, 3 disc set, in the company of Cloud, Aerith, Barret, Sid and Tifa.


    Managed to mostly miss 8 and 9 but picked up the 10th and it's spinoff 10-2 both of which were great games too, my last visit was to Ivalice in Final Fantasy 12 for the Playstation 2, It's re-thought combat system was a welcome change even if it made the game somewhat easier.