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My first Official Giant Bomb Blog.

Ever since the launch of the site I've been saying I will write a blog, but I am a very lazy person and a procrastinator. Now hear what I have to say.

E3 was a big disappointment for me. No huge announcements, no super great games, and no J. Allard. The only game I am really excited about is Fallout 3. Although I've never played the first 2, I think it's kinda a revamp of the series because of the 1st person-3rd person gameplay. Im also looking forward to Fable 2 and Gears 2 but they have been floating around for a while, so has Fallout 3. But to me, Fallout 3 will be something special and very great. This will be a great GoTY candidate.

I know that wasn't much, but I am tired and hungry. So I will see you all later.   

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