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So, you can make a $1200 PC that is equivalent to a PS5 console. All I can say is that I would not touch a $1200 PC for gaming (not the games I like to play). I give away PCs that are worth more than that to people (family) who like to play Spiro remastered etc.. If I had to have the choice of a $1200 PC to play modern games on or the upcoming PS5, I would go for the PS5, because it would play more games that I like to play (not the quality I am used to though) and play them better than a $1200 PC. Consoles are optimised for gaming in a way that slapping together a $1200 PC would never be optimised.

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For a single person it may be too much. Though, for three or more to watch, not that expensive at all. Also, comparing a LOTR purchase to a 2020 release, not comparable. Furthermore, there will be those who want to see it first. Then there are those too tight to pay anything without complaint. l personally believe the price is targeted at multiple viewers watching from the same household.

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I remember back in the very early 80's saying to people, "Imagine how good video games are going to be in 10 years", while playing a table top Galaxian arcade machine, big smile. I have said that every decade since, now not so much, I have finally reached my place of contentment with video games. They are still fucking fantastic :))

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I paid AUS$99 for Forsaken, Shadowkeep and 4 season passes (3 and half really) in Nov 2019. I have played for 1135 hours as of the 14th of June and will play for probably another 500 hours before I have to put any more money into the game (Sep 2020). So I have no complaints as to whether I have got my monies worth out of the game, it speaks for itself. I am also a member of a clan and play with a friend too.

Nearly everything everyone says has some validity to it :)) The game is huge, Bungie have had to make some decisions, these decisions based on what people "actually" play the game for, will be considered awful and divisive by some and hailed or whatever by others. Myself I think if they take content out and improve it and then cycle it back in and then cycle other content out and improve it, I will be happy with Bungie's decisions.

I will comment further on this in late September 2020. Hopefully it will be all good :)

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I wrote a number of posts during a severe period of mental illness that lasted for more than a few years. I wrote some stuff back then that I would say are not true to my general character. I would not like them to stand in the way of my future, say come up during a job interview or the like. As a former law student and philosophy student, you soon understand the difference between philosophical idealism and the real world that the law has to operate within. So my point is this, you are talking about some unworkable ideal to placate your wanting to supposedly know what people really are or have been in posts, which is fantastical, as opposed to someone who has to live in this very real world, who should be able to move on from their minor transgressions and missteps in life. Some things should just be deleted from time and people should be allowed to move on with their lives.

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I like Jan solo, but none of the other cast. Of course with so much content some of it's not to my taste. I listen to Bombcast, Beastcast and Hotspot each week. I really do like Jan's Bloodbourne content a lot, it's great. I would watch Ben's Fallout 2, but he speaks poorly and seems overly tired (or worse), it's also the reason I did not finish watching his Apex content.

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#8  Edited By Uriarra-Heap

I loved Jan's insights, humour and calm expression back in the non-coronavirus days on the podcasts. Back then I thought this guy should be out front more. Now he is and Jan is awesome. He's the one I look for first, to see what he's done that's new.

On the Abby hate, even she admits she is annoying and not to everyone's taste. I like Abby as part of the Beastcast balance, she too is one very sharp guy.

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TL;DR I replace my controller when a better controller comes on the market.

I am a PC gamer and go for the Xbox style controller. Replacing my controller has depended on the company (looking at you Razer). With the Series 1 Xbox Elite controller I had to replace parts after 1 year. Even though it was a very good controller and still worked well, I replaced it with the series 2 Elite Xbox controller, which is a better controller. I don't care about the expense, because AUD$250 is disposable cash to me, so I will replace my controller when a better one comes on the market.