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All the people complaining - it was done for a reason; read up.

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Edited By valeo

I like how Dan doesn't play horizontal at all and Vinny quickly learned to side step. Dan is really bad.

Anyway, I know Yoshi is a Tekken char too - but he's always been my favourite in Soul Calibur. So much fun.

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Edited By valeo

It's annoying that this is so janky. When it's intense, it kinda kills that tension when you spend 5 minutes trying to close a damn door.

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I agree with Vinny. I don't "get" Splatoon.

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I'm sure I'm going to get some hate for this, but I just don't care at this point. This video, and really, a lot of this series has been absolutely infuriating to watch. That Alex would resort to save scumming, it was enough to make me finally throw my hands up and quit on it. He complains about fairness and the checkpoints not being as generous in this game as they could be, but for the real reason he's having a hard time all he needs to do is look in the mirror. It's all him.

His defensive play, at best, I'd describe it as negligible. How many times throughout this series do we see level after level of him just plowing into enemies seemingly not even trying to dodge. He's obviously playing levels on the idea of either getting a good checkpoint to continue from with his lives or hoping for an energy drop or two so he can get to the boss chamber and then use his remaining lives there. That strategy was easy to pull off in Mega Man 2 and 3, not so much in the first Mega Man, nor this one because the checkpoints are not so kind as they were in those other games. It's not that the stages are too tough or unfair, it's that he's not even trying to play in an intelligent manner most of the time.

This video specifically the circumstances are different being it's just boss fights, but the glove still fits. In Mega Man 2 and 3 especially just having a robot masters weakness was enough to easily overwhelm them in most cases really. In this one the weapons they are weak to do not do the absolutely ridiculous damage they did in those games so the player must approach the fight with a little more thought than those other titles, but rather than do that Alex just complains about how the game sucks when the only reason it's so hard is because he's playing poorly. A great example is the Ring Man fight. It's simple. Charge the attack to full, dodge his rings as best as you can and absolutely don't get hit by his body. Alex consistently often misses his shots, misses opportunities to shoot, gets hit by the first ring that is fired off by Ring Man quite consistently, inexplicably stops charging the shot at some point and begins spamming the uncharged shot which doesn't do much damage at all, and somehow manages to find himself getting run into by Ring Man all the time. But according to him this game is unfair and it's not that he is playing like crap.

If he's not going to bother playing intelligently he could at least brute force his way through by gathering up a large supply of e-tanks and then going through it that way, but to save scum? Ridiculous.

I know I sound like I'm taking this way too seriously, but this series, when it started, it inspired me to go back and play through this series. When I was a kid I could never beat this particular game, but because of this series I finally came back to it and finished it. I actually have done Let's Plays of Mega Man 4,5,6, and 7, games I had never beaten (or in many cases played) because this series inspired me to go back to these games. So maybe I'm taking Alex wimping out on this game a little too hard.

It's fine that Alex stinks at the game and isn't willing to commit to playing in a fashion that will lead him to victory, but blaming the design of the game for your own obvious shortcomings as a player makes me question just how much I should trust anything he writes about games.

I hope for Alex's own sake that he is only playing the rest of the Legacy collection and no games beyond that. If he goes beyond that he may be save scumming between between every hit he lands on the Mega Man 7 final boss.

Congratulations on posting the most ridiculous comment I have seen in my 4 or so years on Giantbomb. That is an achievement.

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This is great fun. Love the fact it's being done every week.

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Edited By valeo

Never, ever do a puzzle game with someone in the room who knows the solutions to everything. It sounded like Alex was about to hit someone.

I understand getting annoyed if they can't figure it out, but jesus Alex - if they figure it out, stop saying 'oh, that's not the solution I went with'. It's annoying as hell.

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Am I alone in thinking the recaps in each episode are a bit pointless? Is there really anyone watching these out of order or completely forgetting everything in just a week?

I skipped a couple so good for me

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Switch is incredibly underwhelming. I'm glad I didn't buy into the hype.

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@saturn5 said:

Jeff refused to give Zelda 10/10 back in the day and that was according to everyone else a great game...if he gives this 5/5 it must be some sort of masterpiece. That is great news =)

And he turned out 100% right re: Zelda - 8.8 was actually quite generous.