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GOTY (2020) In Construction

So, like the name suggest, this is mostly earlier GOTY list, while I struggle to finish the third part of the series of blogs about Granado Espada.

List items

  • Crusader Kings III is somehow at the same time,this is Paradox most stable and flawless launch but also an amazing sequel over a game, which was already great.

  • When this game came out it had a rough start with a fair share of technical issues plus some strange design decisions. However, most is solved by now and despite this I found myself really enjoying this game, combat is maybe the best of the SAO games and overall pace and rhythm is very good.

    But something, which I can't say it is intentional or not, is despite having some typical open world mechanics and designs, which for a SAO game make sense for them being there, Alicization isn't an open world game in the normal sense of the word, but split in several areas of different sizes. Meaning the pace is quite fast, because the said maps aren't too large and the open world quests are shorter. But even more, this smaller maps have way better design, so unlikely many more true open world games, you sort want to explore the maps and to the stuff.

    That said the game is sort confused if wish you to play as Kirito or create a custom character, as the story largely implies you are him but also there is a whole mechanic about other players (and that is the reason you can make a custom character) begin there.

  • Troubleshooter is an amazing game, it like XCOM meet Anime and also meet tons of mechanics resulting in a very unique game. I mean, think about, most game if they try to combine so much stuff end struggling with it,

  • If you put side by side with the other Science Adventure game from Mages, Robotics; Notes is maybe the more lighthearted of them, but they still manage to deliver it punchs here and there.

  • While a lot of crpgs try to follow the concepts and ideas of Planescape, Disco Elysium is the one that not does that with success but goes even beyond it.

  • If I could use a single word to define this game, the word would be “charming”, from character designs, visuals, funny mechanics, such as the B.A.N.D system or the Bond System, this Jrpg very charming. To make even better, the game pace and rhythm is pretty good, as the combat system is fast and maps aren't too large.

  • Mechanicus is a very good strategy game, where only you fight as a less know W40K faction, but does possess a lot of cleaver ideas that fit the theme very well, from begin able to customize your Tech Priests a lot (like a lot, from adding new limbs to all kinds of stuff), the game action point system to the game music, all fit very well.

  • Deamon X Machina captures very well the feeling/aesthetics of anime mech, so you have the fast movement, melee weapons (even some laser swords) and more missiles that you can ask for. Plus the pc port is very good.

  • The Langrisser series is a cult classic turn based tactical battle for the early 90, famed by but its visual and the music. The remake offer both the original visual and new ones (which you can change at ease) plus several versions of the game original soundtrack.

  • Do you want a game about the French Revolution? I got one for you plus some amazing art and pixel art and some really good tactical battles.