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E3 2008 - That was quick

E3 2008 has come with a flood of information on 170+ games , and myself is still wondering how much of these games am I really excited about? Also what will actually turn into award winning or a big disappointment all round, e.g Alone in the Dark.

My first impressions of E3 08 was the massive Fallout  3. This is a game I'm looking forward to the most for Q3-4 and will be played obsessively. The new trailer that  shown was brilliantly produced and I give credits to everyone who worked on that. It was humorous
That's messed up
That's messed up
and made me more excited than ever to play. The game play is what I expected from Bethesda and I'm glad they kept it the same to oblivion, (no I'm not a fallout fanboy). Having not played Fallout 3 but hearing other people's impressions has kept me believing that this won't turn up in the stinker pile  at the end of the year. The combat to me looked great and I'm glad how they took the old style fallout combat and implemented it in a new way. The gore was very convincing and i remember watching a video with an enemy's leg being cut off in mid air. When I think hard this will be a first type of game for this genre, who can resist and open ended post apocalyptic world. You can find me on top of the monument this fall.

Gears of War 2 was a surprise for me to see as I really did enjoy the campaign co-op in the first game but not the multi player as I do continue to suck at the game play. Now my first thought before seeing the new campaign game play was to borrow it from a friend, play through the story and that chapter will be closed in my life. But how can I resist this game with sliding elevators, relentless Locust horde and "saddle me up" brumaks. There is no question i will be paying £40 for this game, and with the fact I suck at the multilayer, Horde mode looks interesting to me as I love co-op aspects.

The Xbox live experience didn't blow me away but there were some nice features that made me interested. LIVE party system is what makes me happy. The numerous times I have to switch chat channels can now be a thing of the past, though i wouldn't watch a movie while talking with my friends. The old Xbox dashboard is now on the Xbox guide button which means if i really do detest the new interface and avatar I am not forced to use them.   To access Xbox live marketplace from the web is a nice touch. Hopefully there is alot more customization with the avatars as green isn't really my colour.

Sony has me excited for them but not for any specific game but for the fact that they actually have games. The only problem I find is that there release window always seems so far away and very few that I am interested in are this year.

MAG Massive Action Game is an online shooter which can potentially hold up to 256 players on one game but broken down into 8 man squads. Even though this seems chaos in voice chat and bandwidth it seems like it can be possible on some hopeful level.
The squad idea reminds me of the squads used in Battlefield:Bad Company in which you work together by re spawning next to each other in tight spots to give a hand or to heal which gives points for doing so. A lot of people in multi player games like to rank up and the only way possible in MAG is to co-operate and communicate. Who wouldn't want to be a leader of an 8 man squad, the responsibility seems high but rewarding. It almost feels like and MMO in some respects but limited to 256 players. Are the squads consistent over multiple days or games, one day your a leader and now your not?  This may end up on the stinker pile but with on going faction scenarios, 256 player games and 8 man squads ill be keeping an eye out for this.
I could keep going but i feel like I have said enough for now, maybe ill go watch that fallout 3 trailer again.