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This Blog'll Be A Little Indulgent/ Suck My Own Dick-ey, But...

What do you guys think the importance is of maintaining a consistent avatar in the forums? Do you think it's a defining characteristic of a user? If so, why? 
I ask this because (not that anybody even remotely gives a shit) as my post count gets higher, I think I'm starting to get a little more "recognized" in the forums (again, not that you give a shit), and since I've decided to change my avatar, I've been thinking about what the importance is of keeping an avatar in relation to your growing reputation on a site. Do you think helps you get recognized by the community? Is it not important at all?
Basically as I sit here in my room, music blaring,  typing on my laptop, and in so jacking off my own e-penis, I was wondering what you guys would think if I changed my avatar on a daily basis (new hot girl everyday)? Since you don't give a shit about who I am, let's take it to a broader level and put it this way, if MattyFTM changed his avatar, would people give a shit? Does that change your perception of the community because after a while, just looking at an avatar gives you an idea of who the person is? Would (leaving out the fact that he's a well-known mod) a change in MB's avatar cause you to not recognize him? Would there be riots in the street if Snide changed his avatar? Is there really any influence, good or bad, of an avatar? Should we really give a shit or are they important in fostering a community on the wonderful GiantBomb?
Thanks in advance for the 'Wow, that was self-indulgent' comments. Loved 'em.