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#1  Edited By vexv

while this looks good graphically, so did MW4. i just hope it doesn't play like MW4. i've played the Mechwarrior/Battletech games since they were on my IBM 286 and think MW3 on PC was the best. Mechwarrior is meant to be a simulator; you pilot a massive tank-like mech. the very little of MW4 I played felt more like you were playing a FPS as a large mech, which is not the same.

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#2  Edited By vexv

I know that SF4 will make it onto PC, but am I mistaken that SSF2THDR is also going to be released for the PC as well (in addition to Puzzle Fighter HD)? I don't have one of the current consoles as I do most of my games on PC. With the advent of being able to use a 360 controller on the PC and with many games supporting and configuring it automatically, it has made some console to PC ports essentially play like an Xbox 360 game. I could see "friends" interaction and matchmaking through Steam as a viable option.