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Monking it up in the rifts; saving Seattle with neon.

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Average score of 9 user reviews

DOTA? Nope. Well. Maybe. 0

DOTA was a big deal, it took a popular RTS and rode it's coat-tails to success. The big winners for this Action RTS RPG MMO Game for Personal Computers is the play-times, you can play it for 15 min to 45 min per match. The graphics are great (comparable to Heroes of Newerth) and the gameplay mechanics are NEW; the itemization is great and easy to access via the 1 shop menu. There are many heroes (lots), lot's of purchasable things, and a great PVP.NET system to play with friends.  Things this ga...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Deep Fast Brutal Repetitive Penetration w/ Love Story 0

 Assassin’s Creed 2 is a MUST BUY for anyone that doesn’t mind murdering people in a video game in creative and fun ways. The End. It has 20-30+ hours of gameplay featuring amazing character animation, tits graphics, OCD detail, accurate history, and huge environments. The game features accurately recreated Renaissance era cities of Florence, Venice, Romagna, and the Vatican. You also get to own, operate, and upgrade your own castle villa! Assassin’s Creed 2 is a definitive game of the year cont...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One Playthrough Worth 0

Viva La Presidente! This game was fun for like 8 hours and I’ll never play it again. I built all the buildings, did all the stuff, made millions, etc in my 1st Sandbox play-through. Was it fun? Yes, it was very engrossing as I built up my little tiny nation of the Republic of Von Soot and put down all the rebels. The game is definitely polished in terms of the simple UI, great graphics, and pretty hilarious dialog with some catchy Caribbean tunes. There is also a fun speech-editor that lets you ...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

"PCs are good at Spreadsheets" -Infinity Ward 0

 Acronyms FTW. This is the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Single Player Personal Computer Ver. Review, in keeping with nomenclature of Infinity Ward. Before we get started, let’s address the issue: This game has sold millions and millions of copies, is it the best game in the world? Nope. Infinity Ward does a great job of creating a sequel to Call of Duty 4, but don’t expect this game to be a whole new next generation w/ Capt. Picard experience. It does some great things, the storytelling and ove...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Armored Pegassi Bazzookas 0

Well I decided to give this game a shot, having no idea what it’s about or what it does except that it has a splendiferous name and it’s getting praise from the paid-under-the-table reviewers on the interweb. I started the game up and went through the tutorial, this is what it’s all about: You are a Scribblenaut, and can summon just about anything you can think of to accomplish puzzles. Here’s an example: You are tasked with getting a star down from the top of a tree. Some of things I did was: t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Brown Bag Lunch 0

So I was in a mood for empire building this weekend. I was hoping to create and foster the most glorious nation of Sootonia the world has ever seen; but I needed some new game to do it with.  I have fond power-hungry memories of Civilization IV; one of the only games to create a time warp around you and your computer so multiple hours fly by in mere minutes. Lets cut to the chase, this game sucks; it felt entirely like a down syndrome  attempt at a console version of the first twenty or so minut...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Why isn't this on XBLA??? 0

 Yes, this game is worth buying. It features the best graphics I have seen on a side-scroller, glorious animation, actions, and puzzles galore. If you are a person that has operable fingers and enjoyed games such as Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, Bionic Commando, Braid, and countless other side-scrollers then you sir and/or madam would love Trine. The game features gorgeous 3D graphics, three different character classes that you can switch through to tackle objectives and puzzles, and a ...

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John Carmack’s leftover graphics 0

Via.  Wolfenstein, one of the longest running PC franchises of all time. It has a come a long way. Sort of. For some reason this game feels OLD, it has great RPG elements, such as the ability to customize your weapons and abilities; but there are a few things that really suprise me coming from ID and Raven.First and foremost are the dated graphics, Id Software and Raven are known to produce stunning looking games, such as Raven’s recent release of Wolverine: Origins, which actually...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

GOTY of 19XX 0

This game blew my mind, once a long time ago. Then I learned to build levels with special Pr0n animated GIFs. Then I killed my buddy Tim 100 kills to 0 on my custom multiple castle / pirate ship map while listening to Sublime and drinking Kool-Aid via dial-up 36.6kbps death-match. Technology. The end....

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.