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Stuff I don't get: Mailboxes in SW:TOR

Sometimes I just can’t past things not making sense in video games. It’s never the obvious stuff like dragons, teleportation, or characters that are too small for how strong they are (Gnome Warrior tanks, I’m talking to you). No, it’s the small stuff that really doesn’t matter but just doesn’t fit the setting. The Old Republic has provided a prime example of this in mailboxes.

Why the frak do I need to go to a mailbox in a sci fi game. They have holocalling that works pretty much wherever you are on a planet, why can’t we use it to send an email. I’m willing to accept sending items would require a mailbox but not a standard letter. Think about it, when was the last time you sent anything via snail mail and we don’t have half the tech available in the Star Wars universe.

Some might argue, “Well that’s just how MMOs handle it.” So everyone else does it this way, that doesn’t mean it has to be done this way. Don’t stick to convention if it doesn’t make sense in your game, Bioware. Others might argue, “well they could do it in a fantasy setting, too.” Now we’re arguing what you can and can’t do with magic which is silly. There is no question it would be possible in the Star Wars universe, but magic is a grey area. How would it work, some kind of mail man mage?