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Okay so..

Well I haven't really been updating anything on this site but here comes a little update...

So anyway, lately I've been playing a lot of WoW, I know its not the best game out there but no other MMO fancy's my eyes. But on to the point, So since we cleared everything, and I mean all content (S3D included) I have found myself very very bored. PvP with my hunter is not as fun as I would like, got a pally alt which I find a hard time gearing up. So I have nothing really to do.

I find it so odd that Blizzard used this much time to actually realise that the content is lacking so badly, hell even S3D was a cakewalk, I bet I could train a monkey to do it. Now they are saying grand things about Ulduar and how its going to be "harder" and how Naxx is just the entery level raid. But come on, I wonder what hard is for Blizzard if they ment that Maly and S3D was the worst thing they could send at us.

So I've been thinking about rolling an DK alt somewhere so I could have some more fun in pvp, if anybody has any suggestions about a server I could roll on that would be awesome (this is EU btw)

And to show you that I am not just a scrubnub claming that I am all this and that here is my armory and feel free to whisper me ingame anytime.

On another note, I've ordered Street Fighter IV, and can't wait to get it! If anybody wants to play some rounds with nooby me, please add me on XBL: Verdige