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Best of 2010

Waterboi: Best of 2010

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  • This was a tough choice, but assassins creed won out among the rest by refining gameplay to a tee, having a truly unique and kick-ass multi-player mode, and just overall being what the series was supposed to be in the first place

  • Why? Overall one of the best stories of the year, great shooter/RPG gameplay, and refinements to almost every aspect of the original mass effect. If you havent played it, do it now

  • Easily the best multiplayer of the year. And the single player wasnt to shabby either. Granted, im a sucker for the battlefield series, but this was the best one since 2. Hoping for a truly kick as Battlefield 3

  • This took over my life like not many games do. The class system is brilliant, and the capture the flag/tower defence gameplay cant be denied. Hoping for a 2nd, and even more (free) addons. For 15 bucks, how can you go wrong?

  • Yah, this came out this year. The end (?) of this trilogy was certainly the best, with epic set pieces and action sequences that blew every other character action out of the water. kudos to the sony team

  • Yah, its rock band, and yah, the formula hasnt changed. but with the addition of keyboard and pro mode, the game is just the perfect iteration to an already stellar series