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Spoiler Alert! - House Episode 9 Season 6 - "Wilson"


Spoiler, Spoiler, Spoiler

I'm not going to spoil it for everyone that clicks on this blog by accident so this is your first and final warning right here, if you don't want the episode to be spoiled don't read past this point (or the Wilson Picture) and you probably shouldn't read the comments.



You've been spoiled!

So for the people that watched it, did you think the episode was good?, do you have any Feedback, did you dislike parts of it?, I'm interested in hearing what everybody thinks about the new episode.
I watched it in it's full HD glory with not so surround sound and I have to say the part where Wilson's patient dropped the gun and fired caught me by surprise, For a second I thought Wilson was shot, then when I realized he wasn't and it was a problem with his patient I breathed a sigh of relief. So anyway Todays episode really provided some insight into Wilsons character, by this I mean for all the other episodes of House Wilson doesn't stand up for himself, puts his friends first and generally is extremely caring.  But in this episode he accepted Houses bet for $100.00, which if you remember was about his patient having Cancer, he then had a "House Moment" and diagnosed what I assume was some form of Cancer because one of his patients didn't brag about his Grand Children. 
But then Wilson did a few of the normal Wilson things, tried to protect Cuddy, Asked for Houses Help and even helped cuddy with a Realtor, but then out of no where it turns out Cuddy was out bidded on a Condo she wanted, little did we know until the end of the episode that Wilson bought it by offering more then she offered because he "Hurt one of his friends" (House, she turned him down in a previous episode). Wilson did a lot of things that just happened to be out of his normal Character behavior, but I liked the episode, I liked the new Wilson and I'm still hooked.
Oh and did I mention the part where Wilson got drunk, took Houses margaritas out of his freezer and threw them out, then proceeded to kick House out?, but that doesn't matter because Wilson bought a new Condo!, Prepare for the next episode I'm thinking it'll be "Wilson and House Throw a Beer Bash!".  
House Pwns,