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Game of the Year 2018

I'll be honest. I didn't think this was a good year for video games. Not even comparing it to what was an absolute fucking stellar year last year I would still think this was an underwhelming year. Not as bad as 2014 but still. It also didn't help that I got my first car/money pit and my university schedule ramped up this year I still managed to play some good video games. Although unlike most years there wasn't really a game that consumed me quite like some games from prior years. Regardless here are my top ten games of the year.

Shoutout to the games I didn't play such as God of War, Tetris Effect, Donut County, Dragonball FighterZ and Hitman 2.

Also hey, check it out. The video version of this list!

List items

  • I honestly can not accurately describe in words how much I fucking love Yoku's Island Express.

    In an industry filled to the brim with triple AAA titles spitting out dark, gloomy and edgy stories about the worst aspects of people. In an industry where indie developers need to weave in real-world politics into their games to remind you how much the world sucks. Here comes a game about a beetle rolling around an island delivering mail in the most delightfully wholesome game I've ever played.

    Looking at Yoku's Island Express's beautiful and colorful art style just makes me happy, the soundtrack gets stuck in my head every time I think about it and the gameplay ideas are so ingenious it honestly makes me think why someone had not done this before.

    Yoku's Island Express is an expertly crafted game that brings me great joy in a year full of doom and gloom. For that alone almost forces me to make Yoku's Island Express my Game of the Year for 2018.

  • It has been legitimately a decade since I was last engrossed in a fighting game. Super Smash Bros Ultimate is an absolute celebration of video games with everything you could possibly want from a collection of the greats. Going through the World of Light just to see what spirits show up is a joy in of itself but playing Smash feels fantastic on top of that. With perhaps the best fighting game roster ever with details from people who truly love those characters, Super Smash Bros Ultimate feels like a nostalgic trip condensed into a kick-ass fighting game.

  • Into the Breach is like Dead Cells in that is an excellent version of an already tried and true genre however the difference between the two is that Dead Cells stands with the best of the genre while Into the Breach blows every contemporary out of the water. The best strategy game since I don't even know when, Into The Breach distills the strategy concepts down to the core to the point it nearly becomes a puzzle game. Infinitely replayable but incredibly accessible, Into the Breach is going to be installed on my computer for a very long time.

  • Dead Cells is an awesome video game. I love those procedurally generated rogue-like games such as Rogue Legacy and Sperlunky but Dead Cells nailed what those games are missing and that is feel. Dead Cells just feels awesome to play. From rolling through doors to fighting bosses everything feel tight and engaging. The graphics and level design is no slouch either with some of the best pixel art I've ever seen. Dead Cells is going to be one of those games that I might not play for extended periods of time but I will be playing bits and pieces of for years.

  • I don't think I have ever laughed harder in my life than I did playing this game, if you can even call it a game. An absolute fucking mess of creativity and functionality, VR Chat is something really special. Going through all these environments such as Japanese High Schools to layback bars talking to everyone from video game characters to the tsunami of anime girls is a joyful experience. While there is a dark side to VR Chat, what I have experienced playing it makes it worthy as one of my favorite games of the year.

  • I basically know Spiderman from two sources: The Sam Raimi Movie trilogy and Spiderman video games. I loved the Spiderman games from the PS1 and Xbox eras. Even the bad ones. So when a big budget Spiderman game that wasn't tied down to a movie came out I knew I was going to like it and turns out I love it. While I have some quarrels with the swinging feeling a bit too automatic the rest of the package is tightly crafted with a great combat flow and a story way too good for a comic book game. The Arkham franchise now has a contender for Best Comic Book game and I couldn't be happier.

  • The Messenger is the latest game I've played from this list and it was basically my podcast game of choice. Since I just wanted to play the game I skipped almost all dialogue even though I've been told that the dialogue is quite good. Even with something like that removed it still would be one of the best homages to classic 8bit side-scrollers I've played in the last few years. Controls that are damn near perfect with a graphic style that isn't afraid to leave the confines of the NES/Master System era, The Messenger is tight platformer worthy of anyone who loves those games.

  • Forza Horizon 4 continues being the best racing game on the planet. While on the surface it doesn't seem like quite the departure from Horizon 3 you would want they have made some very smart choices in changing it up. Seasons really do make a difference allowing players to engage in different styles of cars and race types they may not otherwise go with. Its online environment allows you to play with others seamlessly with fun and rewarding events. Finally, it looks fucking killer on PC. If you've played Horizon 3 it may not be worth the investment at full price but with Xbox Game Pass it is one of the best deals you can get.

  • In my 2010 Game of the Year list, I said that Red Dead Redemption was "A-list stuff but something didn't get me or I didn't get it" and that is more or less how I feel about Red Dead Redemption 2. It is one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen featuring an amazing cast of characters who are all portrayed perfectly with excellent performances in a vast world with many things to do. But it just didn't grab me like so many people. I still think it is an enjoyable experience worth my time but I'm not going to say it is my favorite game of the year. It is just a really good video game.

  • I got Monster Hunter really, REALLY late (December) and unfortunately had no one to play it with so even though I really liked it I can only give it my number 10 spot simply because I wasn't able to get the best out of it. I'm sure if I got some friends to buy it and play it with me more or perhaps got the PC version instead of PS4 I would have enjoyed it more. It's still better than some of the other games I played this year *coughFallout76cough*