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GOTY 2019

It was a cool year for gaming, I played a lot of cool stuff. So here are the top 10 things I played that came out this year. :D But first, the stuff that didn't make the list.

Sekiro: Shadows die twice: A very well made game that in another timeline would be very high up on my list. I just think I'm sort of done with these games now. I had my way of playing them in Demon Souls/Dark Souls and I enjoyed that. They've then spent the past 5 years making games that forced me into playing the game their way and I just don't enjoy that. Well made, not for me.

Anthem: And here's a game that is for me, and isn't well made. I can't be bothered litigating this game again so i'll just say "let Bioware make the games they're good at, not what you wish they were good at EA".

The Division 2: Only played a little of it. I enjoyed it, was the Division with more polish. Can't complain.

Apex Legends: I didn't really play a lot of this, me and my friends were sort of over the battle royal craze. However what we played of it was really fun and I got my win in it so was happy to leave it.

List items

  • My first Play through of this as Claire took me about 11 hours of gameplay. With setting the game up and it idling while I did something else I probably ended up with about 15 hours of played on Steam when I first beat the game. It currently sits at 184 hours. For a game I can now finish in Under 2 hours... That is a lot of runs through this. I genuinely can't tell you how many times I've beat this at this point, but It has to be about 20 times, +-5.

    One of the things I've come to realise about the Resident Evil series is that I don't actually play the games for the story. I enjoy it, but it's not the main pull. It's the characters that i enjoy. I can't put my finger on it but something about them is just so likeable. Resident Evil 2 has two of the best in Claire and Leon. I love both of these goof balls. Watching them awkwardly flirt through the fence was on of my top moments of the year (my top being the Ashtray maze in Control fyi). I was very worried that this wouldn't live up the original game but I can safely say it more than meet my expectations. For all these reasons and more, this is a more than worthy winner of my own Game of the Year.

  • The first hour or so of this left a middling impression on me. The gameplay was average and the story was just throwing terms at me left, right and centre. It was too much to take in so quickly. Then it started giving me powers, the story started coming together, the characters started to come into their own, and slowly but surely the game got better and better and better. By the end of it I was so hyped up. It was so excellent. I feel like this and Death Stranding were two games that threw lots of mail at you for you to read. The difference being in Death Stranding I read maybe 40% of them, just scanning then quickly to see if they were interesting. in this I read them all, happily read them all.

    I also get the feeling they are setting up the "Remedy Gaming Universe" with this game, and if so, I am all in for it. Give me all of that please.

  • It's the best digital form of Magic out there. I love Magic. Seems a no brainer. Got a little burned out doing the battle pass stuff for M20, but after taking a few months off I'm back to enjoying it again. Will be playing this for a while yet I'd imagine.


  • If it had kept the same pace it had on the first planet for the rest of the game then this would be pushing for #1. As is it's still the best fallout game to come out since New Vegas. I'm interested in a sequel from this

  • A surprisingly enjoyable reboot of the franchise. I hadn't played a COD since MW3 so my exceptions going into this weren't high. After playing it I can say I was wrong. Will play the second game when it inevitability comes.

  • The best game I've ever played that I would recommend to no one I know.

  • It's more MK. The story is bonkers and i love it deeply for that. I'm not good at fighting games, but I enjoyed this. At least until the last boss fight. That was some BULLSHIT! I eventually had to lower the difficulty just to beat her, and then wiped the floor with her (I even perfected her in one round).

  • It's Advance wars. Advance Wars was fucking great. This is the same. Wish they'd taken a little more risks, but the sequel can do that.

  • Only played about 8 hours of this so far, but I've enjoyed what I've played. The Dark Souls stuff about it is the aspect of it I like the least. I've been doing my best to play it like a character action game and I've enjoyed doing that.