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Does anyone play Arena?

 The in-game image for the Arena playlist shows a blue team dude attempting to yoink an assassination away from his blue brother.  Bungie is showing the blueprint to higher scores, I suppose.
 The in-game image for the Arena playlist shows a blue team dude attempting to yoink an assassination away from his blue brother.  Bungie is showing the blueprint to higher scores, I suppose.
I've given Arena a shot, but I find it to be less enjoyable than the other playlists.  
  1. Way more quitters.  I haven't played nearly as much arena as other playlists, but one day's gaming I had 4 matches IN A ROW where at least 2 of my 4 team mates quit early in the match.  This is simply no fun at all.  This could be fixed by having a FFA arena playlist.  My guess is some players try to quickly get a feel for the match, if they determine they are outmatched, they then quit out to avoid a low score.  Hopefully the system actually does give them a very low score in this case, but I think it should be made very clear that this is happening.  For example in the "Leave Game" menu it should say "Do you want to leave the game and accept a 0 point score for this match?"
  2. The ranking is based on a FFA system despite it being a team playlist.  I don't like that you are pretty much forced to go Rambo to boost your score and playing cautious to keep a + K/D spread (helping your team) leads to lower scores.
I think it is very fitting that the in-game image for Arena shows a blue guy attempting to get a Yoink.  
Of course, I could play Arena with enough friends to flesh out my team and avoid these problems, but the fact is I tend to play Reach when very few of my XBL friends are online and I'm just not going to be able to play with a full team much at all. 
I planned to play 3 matches on at least 10 days this season and get a division, but after completing 4 days I realized I just wasn't having fun in this hopper and stopped.  Are others enjoying the Arena or is this a common conclusion?