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Easiest Halo Reach Daily Challenge Day yet? (10/21/10)

3500cR - Be Their Huckleberry
Kill 200 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the pistol.

 Two rounds of gruntpocalypse.  Just use the pistol until you get this challenge at some point in the second match, of course.


1000cR - Blastin' and Relaxin'
Kill 90 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
This will unlock as you play towards Be Their Huckleberry. 


1000cR - The House of Blue Leaves
Kill 88 enemies in a single Firefight Matchmaking game on Heroic.
 This will unlock as you play towards Be Their Huckleberry.  Nice Kill Bill reference here, BTW.


500cR - Above the Law
Complete a Round in Firefight Matchmaking without dying.
Possible that this will unlock  as you play towards Be Their Huckleberry.    But, it's likely that relying on the pistol will lead to a few deaths.  If that is the case it's probably easiest to play standard Firefight Matchmaking and be careful to hang back so you don't buy the farm.  I like to hide when the phantoms are overhead as a random turret blast from a phantom can knock you out quickly.  If you want to do it in score attack, I find it easiest to complete a round without dying with Gruntpocalypse on Outpost.  Stay on the roof except for when you reload and the grunts only have one way up to flank you.

Two rounds of gruntpocalypse will give you the first 3 challenges and 5500cr, easily.
Assuming I have 20 minutes to play some Reach this evening I should make Lt. Colonel and get the final achievement.  Woot!