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Midair Assassination: Halo Reach Screenshot


Mile High Assassination
Mile High Assassination

Neat shot of me achieving a jetpack to jetpack assassination.  I was fooling around in this match with jetpacking above people and attempting to drop in behind them.  This works pretty well on the Cliffhanger map - you can jetpack on top of the roof of the two end towers for a 10 second soft kill zone and nobody expects somebody to be up there.  Very often within that 10 seconds somebody runs up the ramp and out from under the roof allowing me to drop down behind him to deliver a knife in the back.
Anyway, in this instance I jetpacked up and away from a guy after we exchanged a few shots and he decided to jetpack up after me rather than shooting at me from the ground.  I managed to maneuver behind him for a mile high beat down.